Contest 16|CLOSE|Requirements

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Gooooood Day! Welcome to the 16th Contest! 

I realized from the winner of the past contest (contest 14) who gave this contest idea that only a few cover contest give topics about fantasy. So why not accept her choice for the next contest right?


TITLE: We are not just fantasies


GENRE: Fantasy

MOOD: dark

*it must include fantasy things such as unicorns, fairies, witches, dwarfs something like that*

AUTHOR: My username and yours in this format (Graphics by: YOURUSERNAME)


TIP: Amaze me by the beautiful font that suits the cover.(There will be best in font style and it beautify your work)

* You will have to tag me ON THE COMMENT SECTION OF YOUR ENTRY once you will enter a cover or better yet, comment the link of your entry in the comment section:)


1ST PLACE - Follow, all stories add to my reading list and library, a chance to give three choices for the next contest and a chance to judge the next contest.

2ND PLACE - Follow, all stories add to my reading list and library a chance to vote for the next contest.

3RD PLACE - Follow, half of stories to my reading list and library and a chance to vote for the next contest.

HONORABLE MENTIONS - Follow and one story add to my reading list and library.

BEST IN FONT - A follow.

Comment down below if you are joining and try to tag people who are interested too :)

Deadline: July 19, 2016 11:59 PHILIPPINE'S TIME ZONE

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