Contest 11|Close|Requirements

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So it's my birthday yesterday, and I posted two days ago about the birthday bash! And I let you guys vote for the next contest. So Looks like there's a tie ;) So Here comes the first one.

As you can notice, I'm updating this contest a bit earlier, because school days will start on monday, and I'm afraid I'll not be able to update the next contest on weekends. So yeah:)


(Sorry for the very rushed example, I just made it for like 2 minutes

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Sorry for the very rushed example, I just made it for like 2 minutes.)

So everyone of use have heard nursery rhymes right?


TITLE: (Any nursery rhymes' title)

Subtitle/quote: Inspired from a line from the song. (Don't copy the original lyrics.)

Genre: Anything that you like.

Author: My username and yours in this format (GRAPHICS BY:YOURUSERNAME)

Mood: The cover must be matured, what I mean it should not be cute, childish type. Like the sample above, it should be connecting to the title and quote but not in kiddy-kiddo mood. 

Make the cover as creative as you want! Remember simplicity is beauty ;)

TIP: Amaze me by the beautiful font that suits the cover.(There will be best in font style and it beautify your work)

* You will have to tag me ON THE COMMENT SECTION OF YOUR ENTRY once you will enter a cover or better yet, comment the link of your entry in the comment section:) 


1ST PLACE - Follow, all stories add to my reading list and library, and a chance to judge the next contest.

2ND PLACE - Follow, all stories add to my reading list and library

3RD PLACE - Follow, half of stories to my reading list and library.

HONORABLE MENTIONS - Follow and one story add to my reading list and library.


Deadline: June 19, 2016 11:59 est

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