Do you like making covers? Are you good in editing? In graphics? This contest is for you! Not only prizes, but for you to improve in anyway! JOIN NOW!
#38 6/19/16
Seems like you guys want some Mysteries! You see at the "Your choice for the next contest" I let you guys vote for the next contest, and shockingly, Mystery won over Romance (which is leading next to Mystery)
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
BUT HAVE YOU WATCHED SHERLOCK HOLMES?! HOW ABOUT NANCY DREW?! IF NOT, YOU SHOULD GO WATCH IT NOW! So obviously, sherlock and nancy will have something to do with this, sort of inspiration ;)
TITLE: (Name and Surname ex. Nancy Drew) [Doesn't have to be your name, anyone's will do]
Subtitle/quote: The world is locked in danger, she's the only key. [I'm sorry if i've changed it again, but the ones who already passed their entries don't need to change the old quote.] (So there's no best in quote for this contest)
Genre: Mystery
Author: My username and yours in this format (GRAPHICS BY:YOURUSERNAME)
Mood: Anything. Surprise me by connecting your image's mood to the subtitle and title.
Make the cover as creative as you want. You can make many ideas out of the subtitle.
TIP: Amaze me by the beautiful font that suits the cover.(There will be best in font style and it beautify your work)
* You will have to tag me ON THE COMMENT SECTION OF YOUR ENTRY once you will enter a cover or better yet, comment the link of your entry in the comment section:)
*When your cover doesn't show up at the entries within 24hrs you've submit your entry, just leave a comment below or message me:)
1ST PLACER- Flood votes to all of your stories, 1 book review, 3 books promotion at my wall ,all stories to my reading list and a follow.
2ND PLACER- 5 stories to my reading list, 2 books promotion at my wall and a follow from me.
3RD PLACER- 1 book promotion at my wall, 2 stories to my reading list and a follow from me.
HONORABLE MENTIONS(2)- a follow from me and a story to my reading list.
*If the winner doesn't have story yet, i will mark it for future use when you already publish a story:)
COMMENT "I'm joining" if you are joining and tag atleast 3 people that is interested in cover making!:)