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I hadn't realized the pain until after I put pressure on my arm.
Looking down, I saw a huge bandage wrapped around my elbow.
"What the hell?" I said, unwrapping the bandage.
I winced at the pain, but continued to take off the strong white wrap.
It was a bite.
The flesh around it was red and puffy, and you could easily make out the teeth of whatever had bitten me.
I think it was a dog.
I don't remember all of what happened.
I remember seeing Lukas and then Justin hitting him and me falling out and hitting my head then everything went black.
I don't remember seeing a dog but I guess maybe Lukas was holding its collar or leash and when Justin hit him...
I stood, grabbing the bloody bandage and made my way through my house.
My house.
I'm guessing Justin brought me back. And bandaged me up.
I hope it was Justin and not some weirdo.
Going through the kitchen, I saw a heart sticky note on the fridge.
The kind Justin left me before he would leave for a few days.
I grabbed it and read the inscription;
         I had a show in Vegas, and decided to head out three days prior to get filled in. I'll be gone at least a week. I wrapped your arm up. That guys dog had bitten you. No infection or anything but keep it wrapped up. Change the bandage every two hours because of blood. I don't want a blood clot in my baby's arm. I love you Sel. Stay safe while I'm gone. I wish I was there to kiss you good bye, but Mariah said I needed to meet her at the hotel at eight.
I stopped reading and looked at the clock.
It was ten.
Please be careful and keep the front door locked. That weirdo left once I hit him but he said he would be back. I love you, Justin❤️
I smiled.
I had the sweetest boyfriend a girl could ask for.
"I love you too, Justin." I whispered to the air, before heading to the bathroom to re-wrap my arm, that had started to bleed again.

Love ties all {Completed 1st book}Where stories live. Discover now