Squidward: Will you let go of that stupid pizza, already?!
SpongeBob: I can't, its for the customer!
Squidward: Well Who cares about the customer?!
SpongeBob: I do!
Squidward: Well, I don't!
SpongeBob: [wind stops and SpongeBob gasps] Squidward! [starts flying again]
Squidward: Let go of that pizza!
SpongeBob: No! [runs over Squidward]
Squidward: Ow. [holding SpongeBob's legs] SpongeBob, let go of that pizza!
SpongeBob: No! Its for the customer!
Squidward: SpongeBob! Let go of the pizza! [lifts up into the tornado]
SpongeBob: NOOO!
Squidward: SpongeBob! [looks down] Hang onto the pizza! [tornado spits them both out. SpongeBob uses the pizza as a parachute but Squidward falls hard onto the ground] Hey! Hey! [crawls up to the screen] Wheres the road? Where's the road? We're doomed! How are we gonna get home, which way do we go? [SpongeBob lands] What are we gonna do now! There's no road here!
SpongeBob: I think town's this way. [points]
Squidward: Oh, don't tell me, Jethro. The pioneers?
SpongeBob: That's right. Moss always points to civilization.
Squidward: That way? That way there? [SpongeBob nods] So, let me get this straight... you think that we should go that way?
SpongeBob: Yep.
Squidward: Well, then I'm going this way. [heads the other way]
SpongeBob: Huh? Squid, wait! I don't think...
Squidward: Trust me, I know where I'm going. [Pans out to show another city in the other direction]
SpongeBob: [sings] The Krusty Krab pizza absolutivally. pizza... [drum sounds] pizza... [SpongeBob is walking backwards. SpongeBob's pants almost split into two and move up and down simultaneously while he continues to make drum sounds.] Krusty KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB pizza is the pizza, yeah, for you and [falsetto] MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Krab Pizza... for you. Krus... the Krusshy and the... Krab and the... pizza inside.
~ Colette🍕