Leo Leaves

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[Leo's new form, imagine it's a glossy black.]
When Leo returned from Oygeria (??) he was expecting at least a welcome, or anything. What he didn't expect to find was that the seven had become immortal, and to totally ignore him. Jason and Piper excluded him when they 'Hung Out', Percy and Annabeth were always busy with something, and Frank as well as Hazel were back in Camp Jupiter they Iris Messaged the others, but never him. Even when they had come to the Greek Camp they just ignored his existence completely. They only talked to him when they needed something. One day while he was out in the woods taking his frustration out on a campfire by practicing his powers a man appeared in the fire. "Hello there Mr. Valdez, I am here to make you an offer." He said in a deep voice. "First, are you a good guy, or a bad guy? And secondly what's the offer?" "I don't choose sides, I'm a pacifist if you will, I only fight in self defense. And to answer your second question, my offer is to train you in your powers, swordsmanship, archery, hand to hand combat, strength, agility, speed, and endurance. I would also like to give you a form to transform into at will. You will be similar to the Nemean Lion, except you will look like a werewolf with glossy pitch black fur." That was a lot for Leo to take in, but he accepted anyway and they set to work. Every day they would work for hours every day their schedule would go like this:

Monday: Powers and new Form
Tuesday: short-ranged weapons (swords, spears, axes, maces, hunting knives etc.)
Wednesday: long-ranged weapons (Bow&Arrow, Crossbow and throwing knives etc.)
Thursday: hand to hand (and bronze knuckles)
Friday: strength (mornings) and endurance (evenings)
Saturday: speed (mornings) and agility (evenings)

Since he was a year-round camper and he was constantly in Bunker 9 (or so his 'friends' thought) no one ever questioned his absence(or cared), or his gain in muscle. After about 12 months he had mastered everything, from powers to strength. He had grown so strong that he could beat Percy in everything, including swordsmanship (although he never showed any one his powers/improvements.). He had attained a bic lighter, that if he ignited would turn into the weapon he was thinking of, and would return to his pocket (like riptide) if he lost it. He also received a glossy black chain with a glossy black Arrow Head if he pulled on the arrow head, it would turn into a bow, that would summon a stygerion iron arrow notched and ready to fire if he pull the bow string back. He never saw anyone, they would always pretend he wasn't there, they would only talk to him if they needed anything (new sword, knife, etc.) the only one who would talk to him was a new son of Boreas named Blake, once while he was training in powers the 'six' as he called them, showed up. He was surprised to say the least. "What do you want?" He asked, "wanna hang out" he hid his anger well, just like his new mentor had taught him. "No, you will be to busy." Frank said. "Oh, and why is that? Oh' great immortals?" Leo asked with a mock bow and a smirk on his face. "We would like you to build a monster-proof phone." Leo pulled out his monster-proof phone and started playing a game, "And why would I do that? I kinda like not having to deal with software updates." They all stared at him, Piper was the first to recover. "You already built one, why didn't you tell us?" Leo looked her dead in the eyes and said, "Oh, I tried, yeah. repeatedly for about a week, maybe if you actually cared to even acknowledge me you would have noticed about two weeks ago." Leo said in an emotionless tone. Jason snapped back with, "We are immortal,you will treat us with respect." Leo scoffed and said "if Percabeth over there doesn't have to, why should I? Besides if you would have listened to me You all would've had them two weeks ago." In return they just stomped off, talking among them selves. Leo just sighed and got back to training.

-Two days later-
Leo had six monster-proof phones in his tool belt when he neared The Big House. He heard whispers, so he just waited out side to listen to what they were saying. He heard "Today is the anniversary of the defeat of Gaia, today we will be retelling all of the quests from after the Titan war, to the defeat of Gaia."

-TimeSkip to After All of the Quests-
They didn't even mention him once! Even when they did they said he was just the repair man of the ship. They even took away his honor of defeating Gaia! Claiming that Jason and Piper did it while in the sky, and that the cannon ball and Festus were Nico's and Percy's cannonballs. That was the last straw, he left camp that night but he left a note pinned to the big house door with a dagger saying:

Dear Hephaestus Campers,
Thank you for finally giving me a real home, showing me that people do care. I leave the position of Cabin Councilor to Nyssa, good luck. But I am leaving, Camp has made it painstakingly obvious that that don't want me anymore, but the last straw was stealing my honor and giving it to the 'six'.

Dear the 'six',
I hope your happy knowing that you've done it, after 12 months of trying, you did it. You finally made me leave. I refuse to be part of a group that steals a person's honor, you all knew very well that I was the one that defeated Gaia, not Piper And Jason. Screw you all.

Dear Blake,
Thank you for staying by my side and becoming my only true friend.

Dear Camp,
I am leaving. I am locking up Bunker 9. In the next war, I will not fight for this camp in your next war.

With Hate,
Leo Valdez-

With that I left. As I approached the hill, I took out a picture of the seven on Olympus, cut out my face wrote on the bottom of it, you will never find me. Pinned it to Thalia's Pine Tree with an arrow and left...

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