Old Friends Meet Agian... Kinda?

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I'd like to thank firstphoenix for all of the encouragement for all of my stories!

Leo's P.O.V
"Who are you?" Artemis asked me. "Favos prince and heir of the void." I say through my voice modulator firmly. "Who are you really?" Asks Thalia. "Who else do you know that beat Gaia? Oh that's right I'm sorry. The 'six' including your brother did." I say with enough venom to envy a drakon. Thalia pulls back her bow while Artemis asked "Leo?" I get serious. "Leonardo Valdez is dead, only Favos remains." Thalia says, "they all miss you, you know, your father, your siblings, Caly-" "Don't you dare say that bitches name." I interrupt. Artemis pulls her bow string, "you dare say that about a maiden?" "Considering that I laterally died to get her off of that island only for her to leave me as soon as we hit the mainland, then yes. Yes I do." With that a ring can be heard coming from my holowatch, I click the button and a hologram of Void appears, "Lord Void." "Favos, I need you to kill Tartarus.-" All the hunters gasp. "-Again." I take off my hood and mask, compact my mask back into its ring form, and say. "Again! But I already killed him like four times." Artemis pales and says "four times." I nod, shift, and run off.

3rd person P.O.V
Artemis says "Hunters, we are flashing to Olympus!" They nod and close their eyes, when the hunters reappear in the throne room, the entire council, as well as the immortal demigods including Calypso were in the council chambers. Artemis yells "Iris, please show me Leo Valdez!" She nodded and Leo appeared in his shifted form running into a clearing where an army of monsters and Tartarus at the back. *Gasps from the the campers* Tartarus growls, Favos shifts then yells "I will kill you again, just like the last four times".* more gasps * with that the army charges, Favos pulls out a lighter and ignites it, it turns into double swords, with in three minutes the army is just dust. Everyone marvels at his technique. Tartarus charges at Leo, but he side steps his spear and slices it in half, next Tarty (we're gunna call Tartarus, Tarty) pulls out a sword and swings at Leo head, he just pushes it out of the way and punches Tarty. Hard. He flew back twenty feet and through multiple trees. Tarty comes barreling at Leo and makes for a grab but Leo twists out of the way. And Tarty ends up grabbing his shirt and hoodie, ripping it off in the process. Showing his muscles that look like they are chiseled out of marble. *que the stares, blushes, and drools (Aphrodite and her cabin.)* causing Leo to growl. "once I kill you, I'm gunna have my way with your sister in that awful camp of yours." Leo growls and says "your death will be painful now." And hacks off an arm, than another, then his legs, until all that's left is his torso and head. He burns the torso and then cuts off his head. "Never threaten my family." Leo Looks directly into the iris message and says, "well looks like you found me." Hephaestus flashes out with his cabin and hugs him. Then they all flash into the throne room. Piper walks up to him and slaps him, she breaks her hand in the process. He lights his eyes on fire and says "Do not touch me peasant, I am the prince and heir of the void, second strongest being in the universe." Calypso tries to walk up to him but he shifts and lights on fire. "Do not come near me. The only thing that is keeping you alive is that I refuse to go against voids wishes." Aphrodite looks at him and gasps "you-you barely contain any love at all!" "Love is a useless distraction that only ends in pain and lies. What do you want?" I question. "We want your help." A camper said. "Why? What's the matter, got to tuff for the six to handle, I'm sure they can beat it. I mean after all they did defeat Gaia." Saying it to them like Leo was talking to a baby. Piper yells "What happened to Leo, my best friend?" "Your best friend eh? I must have heard you wrong, I mean last time I check 'besties' cared about each other. Didn't exclude them when they hangout, or ignore them for an entire year" he scoff, "some friend you were." He says disappointed. "What would Sammy say about this Leo?" Hazel yelled. "Well actually, he's all for it, he completely understands my reasons and understands my past. He's very disappointed in you, by the way, Hazel." Leo says back and she looks close to tears. "Liar!" She screams. "Oh really?" He snap my fingers and Sammy appears. He looks at Hazel and asks, "Hazel, is that really you?" She nods and runs to hug him. He hugs her, eventually he pulls back and holds her shoulders, "Apologize." He said sternly. She nods and says "I'm sorry Sammy" "Not me, my grandson." he says but Leo interrupt. "I don't want their apologies, or their pity." Putting his mask back on he says "Hephaestus, a word?"he nods and walks out side with the both of them "If you could go out with my daughter again, would you?" Leo's grand father asks. Hephaestus nods saying, "she is the only woman I have ever truly loved, that's why Leo is so powerful, you see a demigods power is determined by the love the parents have for each other. That's why Leo is more powerful than Percy." I nod and summon my mother. They hug and kiss, so we leave them out side. When we go back into the throne room I announce "Hephaestus is divorcing Aphrodite!" They all gasp, Ares pulls out a ring and proposes. Aphrodite jumps into Ares arms. Hera nods, snaps her fingers and says. "It is done, Aphrodite and Ares are now married as well as Hephaestus and Esperanza" I nod and walk away. Esperanza was made the minor goddess of machinery.

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