Chapter 4 - Remembering The Past

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Setting: school cafeteria.

September 15


"*Sigh* I don't want to go to English! I hate that class! I'm pretty sure people in other countries aren't STILL learning there language. Why are we?" I asked Pasiley

Pasiley is my best friend! We do everything together, but this year was going to be tuf. On top of us not have ANY classes together except lunch, she was moving! How was I going to survive?

we just get to our new lockers, which were right next to eachother because we got to pick.

"I heard we got a new teacher." Pasiley said trying to cheer me up.

"Why do we need a new teacher? Bob was fine."

Bob was our old English teacher. He didn't like being called Mr. Gossmer, he said that was his father so we all called him Bob. I don't know why his name was really Chariles.

"Maybe it's a guy. O-M-G what if he's old!" Pasiley said

"And crabby!" we said at the same time. We did that a lot

We both sigh shutting our lockers, hugging and parting to our seperate classes.


The tartie bell went off and that's when HE walked in. Being friendly to the new student I walked up to him. He was about 5'9, short brown hair that was spiked, thin but buff. He wore a almost tight fitting solid blue shirt with brown dress pants. He had a blue and off brown striped tie, not horizontal or vertical but slanted to the left, with very thin stripe of gray in between each color. A little dress for the first day of school. I guess he came from a private school and didn't know what to wear. He was still the cutest new student if ever seen.

"Hi I'm Kate, you must be new here. What your name?" I greeted him smiling.

"If you take your seat I'll tell you." He said with a little laugh.

I turn and take my usual back seat confused. That's when it hit me. HE was our new English teacher! O-M-G! I hit on our English teacher!

"Hi class, I'm Mr. Jones." he said righting him name on the white board.

"Ok, you're all sophomores so you should know how to behave in a class room but just in case, let's go over my rules. 1. Always bring your notebooks and pencils to class. 2. No talking unless you're called on or I say other wise......" his voice faded into the background. I got lost in his Caribbean blue eyes.

"Ms. Corely." I was broke from my daydream. "Would you like to stand and tell the class why you think it's a good idea not to have pens in class?"

I stood up, shaking. "Um" I look around the room. I have MASSIVE stage fright, and when I say stage fright, I don't mean just being on stage, I also mean public speaking too.

"Because if someone makes a mistake they can't erase it and make a mess trying to scribble it out?" I never use pen. People who use pen are saying I never make a mistake and I'm perfect. In my opinion anyway. Pens are good for grading, but not homework.

"Thats a very good reason." he said. I think he could tell I didn't like talking in front of the class. "Anyone else want to give another reason why?"

No one stood up or raised there hands.

"Ok then, how about because I use pen to grade with. If you right in pen I won't grade it and you'll get a zero."

After that, I was gone. Back into my daydream. I love daydreams and sleep dreams because I get to escape into my own reality that I make up. Anything could happen. From talking unicorns to me marrying Adam Lavigne. But when I get lost in his eyes, there's no coming back from an alternate reality where he's the main star.

The rest of the class he talked about more rules and policies. It was the first day back so no teacher gave us homework.


I look at my schedule. You could never be sure what order the classes go in because every year they change. I don't mean the classes themselves but the order of what your day looks like. Homeroom was next and I had a dreamy homeroom teacher. Yup I had Mr. Hunk. I mean Jones of course.

The rest of the day passed by pretty fast, but no matter what I did I could not get Mr. Jones out of my head! He was all I thought about.

Days passed and it was time for Paisley to move. I was upset but at least we could still Skype and text. But there was some good things happening in my life too. Mr. Jones and I were meeting after school everyday so he could help me with English homework. I really didn't need help I mean I'm a straight A student for crying out loud, I just wanted a reason to be close and alone with him. He was starting to look at me a lot more. I don't mean student/teacher look exchanges either. I mean REALLY start looking at me.

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