Chapter 5 - Christmas Wishes

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A little graphic!


December 15

That's when it happened.

I was in after school getting help on an essay that was due first thing in the morning. His door was shut and locked, like you can open from the inside locked on the out. We were talking about my paper.

"I get why they did the scarlet letter and everything but why to that extreme?"

"Well it was to put shame on those people so that no one else would do it. It's like giving someone ISS for skipping school."

"Ya I guess that makes since." I said smiling.

I looked down. Should I say something? Or do I just ignore this feeling?

"I..." I pause

"Am feeling something's you shouldn't?" he said looking at me.

I look down at my paper. He didn't feel the same. I knew I shouldn't have said anything.

"So am I" he said getting up from his chair and walking toward me.

I look at him. "I thought you were married."

"I am. Hints why I shouldn't feel this way." he paused. "But there's something about you."

"Really?" I asked. I mean don't get me wrong, I was happy but he's married.

I got up from my chair as fast as I could. I grabbed my books and head for the door. He grabs my shoulder. I spin around and we are standing face to face. I can feel his breath on me.

"Kiss me." he whispered.

"I can't." I whispered back.

"Why? We both know you want to." he took a step back.

"Because you're married." I look down.

He leaned in before I could move back and kissed me. There was a spark. I leaned closer not breaking our first kiss. Our maths open slightly, just enough for him to slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues wrestled for dominance. I let him win. I heard the door knob rattle and we pulled away fast. We were both breathing heavy. We caught our breath and he walked to the door. As he did we started talking about my paper.

"So with that, do you really think its that extreme?" he said opening the door. It was Principal James. She whispered something. I couldn't hear what. He nodded and she stood there for a second.

I hesitated. I forgot what my paper was about for a second. "Well kind of. It's kind of like the Salem witch trials though. Someone could hate someone else and cry cheater. Then they get blamed. I just don't think that's far."

I never broke focus from him. He nodded in agreement. We both look at Mrs. James and she whispered something again. Once again he nods and she turns and leaves.

"We almost got caught! I can't do this! I like you but I can't. You're married." I pause grabbing my books. "I have to go." I head for the door. I stop, put my hand on the door. I didn't turn it.

"I like you too. Maybe one day we can be together." he said. It was low but loud enough for me to hear. It sounded like he was saying it to himself. I turned the knob and left.

After that day we never had a scene like that again. Little glances hear and there but nothing more. We text everyday.

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