The Wrath At Hotel Dumort

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Honestly, Leah Ravenscar wasn't the kind of third wheel who hated that she was destined to always be the third wheel. In fact she always looked forward to interrupting Clary and Jace's time together; and even though they usually third-wheeled her, Leah had the pleasure of not giving them absolute privacy and of making fun of Clary.

When Clary had managed to persuade Jace to accompany her to the Hotel Dumont to rescue Simon, the two had sneaked out of the Institute - only to come across the graceful figure of Leah Ravenscar elegantly standing atop the Institute brick wall.

"By the Angel, Leah, what are you doing here at this time of the night?" Jace hissed.

"Thought you'd need a guardian angel."

"Angel? More like a devil." Clary smirked haughtily. "Sorry, your presence is not required here."

In a split second, Leah had spun a blade in her hands and had thrown it at Clary's direction. The girl yelped and tried to dodge the blade, but in the end it hit the wall, pinning her to it by the fabric of her sleeve.

"You tried to kill me!" Clary exclaimed, shocked.

"And vampires are going to be twice as eager and ten times in number to do so. I have vampire allies, and I can help you out on your absurd mission."

Jace didn't say anything, because a) he had an idea how much better it would go if they had a third shadowhunter (especially someone as skilled as Leah Ravenscar), and b) because Leah did have allies with Downworlders such as Lily Chen, Raphael Santiago and even horribly fussy and evil vampires like Camille Belcourt (really, Leah wouldn't have managed to earn Camille's acquaintance and trust either, if she had not known all of Ms. Belcourt's dirty secrets).

Clary looked at her companion for any hints on whether to take Leah or not, and then turned towards her. "Fine, you may come." She mumbled.

Leah back-flipped down from the wall, and landed ever gracefully on her feet. "Yeah, yeah. I wasn't looking up to your permission; I would've accompanied you anyway." Leah said dryly, dusting her thighs.

Since there was only one demonic motorcycle, and Clary and Jace had no reluctance to board and take off in the sky towards Hotel Dumont, Leah had to run on the roofs of metros (like some badass Marvel heroine), put on glamour and jump from car-top to car-top, and run amidst dingy alleys, to catch up with them.

Clary set up some strategy of hiding along the cobweb corners and getting to Simon, but Leah suggested in facing the vampires right away and making direct deals with them about 'the mundane'.

They knocked on the door (with Jace constantly complaining how useless it would be since vampires never cooperated very much anyway).

It was opened by a vampire called Elliott, who was dressed in his pajamas and wore fluffy bunny footwear.

"Hello Elliott." Leah pulled out her brightest smile.

"Bah! You here to see Camille? She's not in New York, and she wouldn't be here for quite a time either." Elliott answered rightaway.

"I was aware of her absence in the city, by the way. Won't you let us in?" Leah suggested, almost flirtatiously.

"I might let you in, but I don't trust your companions." Elliott suspiciously regarded Jace and Clary.

"This is Clary Fairchild, Elliott; you might've heard about her - the very famous daughter of Valentine. And that's Jace Wayland -"

"The hottest man in a twenty-mile radius from here; it'd be a shame if you've not heard about me." Jace completed. Elliott raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Leah said. "You can say so. I promise I'll keep them under my control, El. We're not here to inflict any sort of damage or injury."

Elliott regarded the three for another moment, and then led them inside the hotel. He asked them to sit over a pile of cobweb-kissed golden couches, and Leah was the only one who accepted the invitation.

Elliott brought along with him next Lily, Raphael and about twenty other vampires. Clary tried to use all her innocence and helplessness to make a deal with the vampires about Simon, and Leah used the best of her good impression and alliance with Lily and Raphael; Jace however just had to screw it up when he opened his mouth, and turned it all into a violent fight.

The vampires angered up and burst into a series of attacks against the Shadowhunters, and Jace only added more fuel to the fire by revealing a holy water urn from his pocket. Clary joint in some time later with her boyfriend and began using her untrained defences against the supernatural creatures.

Meanwhile Leah only watched and shouted at them all to stop. She ran to Raphael, who stood in the middle of all the violence, smiling like some evil King watching his armies crush down the opponent armed forces.

"Raphael! Please, you can't just smile and watch while your men kill my brother and his stupid girlfriend! Command them! Stop them!" Leah begged, practically hanging onto his arm.

"Well, why should I, when that blonde kid you care so much about, was the one who started the fight in the first place?" He snapped scornfully.

From somewhere downstairs a line of werewolves entered and started fighting the vampires. Lucian Graymark, Leah thought.

"Jace believes that offence is the solution to everything; he believes that he will win everything in his life through his warrior skills. Meanwhile I believe I could win things with words, loyalty, alliance, friendship and love. Stop them, Raphael." Leah whispered.

Raphael kept smiling away at his troops distantly, but in a split second he turned towards Leah to yell "Watch out!"

Leah felt the blade protruding in between her shoulder blades, but she whirled back in incredible speed, drew out her own blades, sliced the attacker into pieces in seconds and kicked the remaining body onto the floor.

Raphael whistled impressively at her skills. "You fight at a insanely attractive speed - almost faster than a vampire, I'd say."

"Thank you." She replied, pointedly sarcastic. "I don't want to do this and ruin my alliance with you guys. I'll give you one last chance; command your army back and we'll peacefully pass."

Raphael didn't say anything - continued staring off and smiling - so Leah stepped back. "Ha! So are you going to please me with your wrath, now?" He smirked.

"I won't. Clary will." Leah said, and then looked over at Clary - who met her eye, questioningly. Leah walked towards Clary in a fatal grace and whispered "Draw the destruction rune on the door. The destruction rune. Now!"

Still confused, Clary somehow found her way to the main door - which had been tight bolted and locked from a great height by the vampires (surprisingly Leah had fought the people who had tried to attack Clary on her way to the main door).

The girl pulled out her mother's stele and then drew a rune on the wooden surface of the door. For a few moments everyone stared as the rune blazed an unfamiliar colour, and then the door got blown outwards into a million tiny fragments. The rising sun rays intruded inside the hotel, threatening to sizzle the vampires alive.

Meanwhile Clary, Jace and Leah escaped the hotel, leaving the rest of the fight up to the werewolves.

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