The Premonition

1.2K 65 9

A/N: you'd never guess what! "Leah Ravenscar" has now (FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY, after such a looooooong time) reached 1K reads. Ok, I know that it may not be a very GREAT record as compared to many other books published on Wattpad. These days, every other book has got 217 K reads, 106 K votes, 51K comments.
And here is my book with1K reads, but still!!!!!! Imagine it.......! (so cool; I'm so happy!) Now, we've got 145 votes (and unfortunately, still the same 5 comments,, anyways!!! It's a 1K! Celebrations are required!
*opens a bottle of beer* oops, too young to drink that! *opens litchi juice* *throws cake around* *bursts all party balloons* *puts cake cherry on her nose* *dances like a rabid duck (Will Herondale: bloodthirsty beasts! Never trust a duck!)* *flys in the air - and lands clumsily, breaking a bone*
I AM SOOOO SOOOO HAPPY!!! YAYY!!! 1K!!!! (Omigah! That even rhymed)
So, aside from my atrocious conduct, I would like to thank each and every one of you who has contributed into those 1K reads, 145 votes and the 5 comments. Even the ones who might've tried to avoid this shitty book, but just clicked onto that READ button "by mistake". Thank you people! You made all the difference that is there between 999 and 1K. Without you guys, I would've been N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (Literally!)
And then, special credits go to Izzicle who has been a very, very frequent reader of Leah Ravenscar. She votes on like every single chapter - and that too, just about half an hour after I post the chapter. Thank you so much, mate! Keep reading shadowhunter fanfiction! Muah! Muah!
I'd like if you guys would comment a little more (let out your feelings at times, people. Sometimes even I wonder what are my readers' views about the characters, the plots, about everything), but other than that, it's totally fine. I'm really happy with my achievement. (That's my 1st book to have reached 1K), and now, okay, sorry. I'm being a beast, and I'm really showing off. *slaps myself*
Sorry! and Thank you and for tolerating my shit!!:)
Also, if by ANY, ANY MINUTE chance, one of you turns out to have read The Trylle Trilogy or The Kanin Chronicles by Amanda Hocking, letting you know, I have very recently started writing another beautiful fanfiction about it. It goes by the name: The Illegitimate Prince. Pls have a look; you might like it.
K, finally time for me to quit my nonsensical A/N.
Bye guys!

Alec, Isabelle, Simon, Clary and Jace all doubted the way Leah muttered instructions and vaguely pointed to places and directions. They all secretly suspected that she was already going mad with pain, epilepsy, fever, blood loss and screaming, and couldn't see how to trust such a person for directions to Sebastian's residence.

But then, they had no other option either. Leah had been quite right when she had claimed that Edom was like a desert; things looked the same from different angles and different places. You went mad with hunger, thirst and exhaustion, hallucinated, saw mirages and overall went quite crazy.

And in those situations, even following Leah's groans and her finger points was a little more convenient than trying to actually navigate. Demons were difficult to deal with, here; availability of water was scarce; finding shelter during the nights was troublesome.

When Leah tried to walk by herself, she usually threw up blood after some time, collapsed or slowed down the group too much. So, mostly Alec, Jace and Simon took their turns carrying her.

She was difficult to manage too, because she was always in pain, always shaking, spontaneously vomiting, frequently bleeding and none of the runes or the mundane medicines (brought by Clary) would ease her pain.

At times in the evening when the 5 were able to finally relax in the damp shelter of the rock caves, Leah was still shivering, her nose bleeding, her skin contracting and expanding rapidly, and her eyes tightly closed as she tried to not show her excruciation.

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