When the Demon Blooded Siblings Meet

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Jace, who had initially been tormented when told that his father was Valentine and his sister was Clary, was now tortured even further, when through some misunderstanding he had been told that his veins consisted of demon blood.

He had spent a night with Clary in her tiny little room in Amatis Herondale's house, and had escaped at dawn to go after Valentine and Sebastian and stop them.

A meeting had been called in the Hall of Accords, where while the men and women of Alicante watched, Clary told them about the new rune she had invented and its special features.

As Leah watched distantly, Tessa silently approached her from behind.

"Hey." She greeted her mother.

"Would you like to bond with me?" Tessa offered.

"I'm sixteen, mom, so . . . I'm technically not supposed to go for the official warfare."

Tessa sighed, seeming almost disappointed. "Okay. Stay safe in the hall, then."

In little distance, somewhere in Brocelind Woods, Jace was bleeding heavily from the injuries delivered by Sebastian Morgenstern. While Sebastian grinned and made some snarky comment about Clary, Jace was breathing raggedly, stumbling back and struggling to keep his balance.

"How. Dare. You. Harass. Clary?" Jace demanded.

"I feel, little brother, there is a difference between kissing and harassing." Sebastian casually explained, spinning the shortsword in his hand.

"She's your sister!"

"And you kissed her too," Sebastian cried, knocking Jace off his feet with a sharp slice of his sword. "When you thought she was your sister." He kicked Jace in the stomach, making the weak Angel boy tumble down the slope.

He approached Jace very close, raised his blade up in the air gracefully, and plunged it straight in his heart -

A/N: hahahah! What a wonderful time to start the author's notes. Like, right on a cliffhanger! Trust me, I'm not ending the chapter here; that'd be some heck of a dreadful suspense. But, how does it feel reading about Jace dying for the . . . .2nd time? Okay, fine, I know I'm annoying readers with this A/N. So goodbye. Enjoy the rest of the story.

.....And plunged it straight in his heart - when another metal sword came crashing upon Sebastian's, turning it off its aim, so it looked as if Sebastian had passionately stabbed the grass instead.

Before the boy could even pull his sword out of the earth, Jace's rescuer attacked him furiously, with a grace, speed, agility and quickness that exceeded far beyond even shadowhunter heredity.

"You will not TOUCH my brother, you demonic bastard!" Leah Ravenscar yelled powerfully, her voice echoing around the forest.

Sebastian tried to dodge and escape now that he was weaponless, but Leah would barely let him. Her sword clashed and clanged with his body; she tried to elegantly throw knives at him (and succeeded with one too, as Sebastian started coughing blood on the ground).

"Sister, sister, STOP! Cease the attacks! Let me at least admire my blood sister. Oh yes, don't look so afraid. I sense demon blood when it is around. And I sense it inside you. A wide assortment: Yanlou, Eidolon, and then the very powerful one, Oskino. Do you get visions, warrior girl? Intuitions? Insights? I am already so interested in you. Are you also another daughter of Valentine? He never particularly told me about you."

"Your ass might be the daughter of Valentine, Jonathan Morgenstern!" And with a deadly arc of her sword, she stabbed him in the heart, protruding the blade inside till the tip appeared from his back.

"Leah." Jace said weakly, and Leah ran to help him up and rune a couple of irtatzes on his skin. "It's okay; I'm fine. Is he dead?"

"For now." Leah replied, because something told her that Sebastian won't remain dead for long.

"Valentine . . .he's summoning Raziel . . . We have to stop him." Jace said.

"I know, Jace. You go; Valentine needs a sacrifice for the Angel, and make sure that he doesn't get one. I . . . I need to help the Shadowhunters and Downworlders win the other war."

And saying this, Leah hugged him for once and took off running at vampire speed over the trees. I'm coming, mom.

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