The Bargain For Virginity

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Leah found herself devoting her time primarily to the war-orphans - which was the term people in Alicante had started using to refer to the Blackthorn children and Emma Carstairs.

Helen, Aline and Jia were quite busy these days over the welfare of all Shadowhunters and about Sebastian Morgenstern, so it looked as if Julian Blackthorn was automatically handed over the responsibility of managing the kids.

It hurt Emma to see her best friend - the carefree, jolly boy who used to paint and laugh at her jokes - transform into the stressed-out adolescent who had to look after 4 children all day and night. And it hurt Leah too.

She would often go over to the Penhallows' manor, where the children resided and help them out in their chores. One day Leah had been quite heart-rendered at the sight of Julian Blackthorn tiptoeing to the attic with his nose wrinkled in nausea as he approached to clean Drusilla's vomit.

She had immediately dismissed him downstairs and had taken over the work instead. When the attic was mopped clean and the covers and cushions washed and left out to dry, Leah went downstairs.

The twins - Liv and Ty - were hungry; Emma was hunting the kitchen for something to feed them; a tear-strained Dru was now asleep on Helen's bed; and Julian was trying to manage a wailing Tavvy. With all the dark things going on, even he could sense the change in the environments - and he guessed that it wasn't a good change.

Leah had to work really fast - and with great concentration - to stop her pity tears from spilling right there in front of the children. She moved like a whirlpool in the kitchen, until she had finally made the kids cheese omelettes, warm cocoa and chocolate bread.

Emma, Liv and Ty ate to their satisfaction in the kitchen (and Leah herself drank some cocoa too), but Julian couldn't yet get over Tavvy's crying. "Give him to me, Julian. Go, feast yourself." Leah beckoned gently.

He hesitated a little, but then handed over baby Tavvy to Leah - who patted his back, kissed his face and sang to him, but couldn't make him cease his cries either. Julian gave a look that said he had anticipated similar results. "Do you have anything that belongs to his mother? Or his father?" Leah questioned. "He might get quiet if he sees or scents something that has always been familiar to him."

"We have always been familiar to him." Livvy replied from the dining table. "I don't think it will make a difference if Tavvy is shown merely a possession of our parents."

"He might." Leah insisted. "Children have a strange sense of memory - through smells and sounds and familiar shape. Do you have something?"

Julian strained his face and finally took off his Blackthorn family ring "This ring - it belonged to my mom."

Leah took the ring carefully, nodded, as if promising to keep the ornament safe and then went to the nearest bedroom - away from the other children. Leah sat down on the bed, kept Octavian gently pressed at her breast, and then holding the Changed into Eleanor Blackthorn.

She knew that it was something that she was not supposed to do, want the same things all the more when you know you cannot have them. In Eleanor's gentle soprano voice, Leah sang a ballad to the baby, rocked Octavian the way Eleanor would have, and very soon Tavvy was in a peaceful trance.

Leah Changed back to herself, carefully put a sleeping Tavvy on the bed and sighed.


That evening, Clary and Simon had paid a visit to the Lightwoods' manor. Alec, Isabelle, Simon, Jace and Clary were in the living room - pretending to enjoy Isabelle's chocolate cake and talking about miscellaneous stuff, mostly regarding Sebastian making demands for Jace, Clary and Leah around everywhere in Idris.

Leah had not joint them in their discussion; these days, she tended to push away the company of her New York siblings and instead spent her time either in her solitary depression or with the Blackthorn children and Emma Carstairs or with her newly-recovered father.

Currently, Leah slumped her body into the exotic Victorian tub and showered. She dried herself half heartedly and proceeded ahead in dressing, when the girl noticed a smiling figure behind her.

"Jonathan." Leah sighed. "I'm tired."

"No, you're not; you are stressed out and unhappy, and I know what for, demon sister. These Shadowhunters will never accept who you are - they will never look at your bloodlines, your abilities, your strength and your visions in a positive manner. But I will."

"If this is another bribe, I am nearly convinced." Leah replied, and then walked out of the bathroom. "What are here for, anyway?"

"I thought you had guessed, Leah." Sebastian smirked. "My body was craving for you - only you."

"Do you mean that with an essence of pornography?" Leah narrowed her eyes.

"I do." He stepped closer to Leah, and the girl rolled her eyes. "I realised that I knew so little about you. I feel like ever since you killed me, I had pegged you for an angry, violent, rude and feisty girl. I don't think I ever connected you with intimacy before, but now that I do....... I believe you would be really, really hot in the bed."

"How cheesy." Leah commented. "Now all we need is for you to push my back against a wall."

"Been watching a lot of dirty romance, haven't you?" Sebastian smirked.

"We don't have TVs in Alicante. And" Leah roughly pushed Sebastian from in front of her. "I reckon you go back home, since I am not interested in getting physical with you."

Quick as lightning, he was back again in front of her "What if I trade information with you...?"

"For my virginity?"

"The Clave is desperate to know my whereabouts, my alliances, how to reach me, how to defeat me."

"And you are ready to give it all?" Leah raised an eyebrow.

Sebastian leaned closer, and cupped her face from around the jawline"For you." Leah stared for 3 seconds, thinking about a billion different things at once, and those 3 seconds were all they took for her to lunge forward and rip off Sebastian's shirt erotically.

After 15 minutes, they both were naked and indulged in a sensual dance in the tiny bed - which Sebastian wished had been a little larger. He planted kisses at Leah's neck, lingering to carve a painful hickey, and moaned at her bosom. "I live in Edom - Lilith's dimension." He whispered.

Leah jerked back reactively "Not just hers. It also belongs to Asmodeus and Oskino. If you are planning to have me there as your assistant, how will you do that?"

"I'm planning to have you there as my queen, Leah. And don't worry. Lilith has made me as strong as I could ever be. Now I wield power beyond that of silly demons like Oskino. I plan to imprison him and torture him until he agrees to not tamper with you ever again. I plan to drag him out of my dimension and exile him forever."

"Oskino is a Greater Demon. He is powerful and quite hard to find or summon." Leah warned.

"I have got Lilith's blessings; demons like him are nothing for me." Sebastian claimed, before he commenced into kissing Leah again.

"How can we reach you?"

"The dimension I live in can be accessed from the Seelie Queen's Court. I do not know if she'd allow you to use it, though."

"We'll see about that. Tell me, how can we destroy your Endarkened Army at whole? I know, there is a way, Sebastian. No need to deny that."

Sebastian bit his lip,. "For that," he said. "You need to destroy the Infernal Cup."

"And is there any way left to defeat you?" Leah trailed her finger over his lips.

"The heavenly fire." Sebastian kissed her hand, before pulling the girl along with his own body on the bed for a night of peace.

They lay that way, secluded from everything and everyone throughout the night. No one however noticed Clary peeping through the translucent curtains of Leah's open bedroom window. She sighted Leah and Sebastian kiss and do a lot more erotic things on the bed, but didn't manage to however hear anything that passed between them.

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