~Part Two - Chapter One~

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I was sitting on a bench, near the park. Why, I tought as warm tears flowed down my cold, pale face.

My family, the people who were with me for four years, left me. Left a little girl who can't even tie her shoes.

And the worst part was, the reason of this thing. They left me because, they were scared of me.

They feared from me and tought that I was some kind of demon, which I wasn't. They said I was seeing stuff that don't exist, but Shinigami Ao exists!

And they sometimes saw my eyes red. But not the eye area, they saw that my irises were red.

Anyways, it wasn't important in that time,because I was freezing. As I was trying to heat myself, Ao came back.

"Hey, Ao!" I said as I kept doing what I was doing, heating myself with my breath. "Hey kid! Oi, what happened to you? Why are you here and freezing?"

"Eh, long story short, my family threw me out of house. Just because I see you and talk to you. They think I'm crazy and you don't exist. But you exist, Ao!"

"Okay, child. But you shouldn't be angry at them because they can't see me nor hear me. And with they, I mean all of the people besides you."

The sweetness was in her voice had a hint of negative emotions. I was happier when I heard that, but that didn't gave me a new home and I was freezing.

"Tch, okay. But not being angry to them doesn't give me warmth. My ass is still freezing!" Okay, I was harsh, but that's me. I can't escape from that.

"Okay you lil' shit! I'm gonna talk your language right now! If you'll be like this, you'll never find a home! And I can't help you because people can't see me."

She snapped harshly as my mouth was gaped open. I've never expect for her to be so harsh, because she was always so sweet to me like a mother to her child.

While we were arguing by our gazes, I felt a hand on my left shoulder. I looked up to see an old man with grey hair and grey moustache.

"What are you doing here alone in the cold, young lady?" He asked as he sat beside me. "My family threw me out." I replied honestly as I looked at the families around me, envying.

"Well, what a coincidence, I have a orphanage. You can stay there with me." He told me sweetly and extended his hand for me to hold.

I looked at him happily before answering with hugging him and chanting "Yes!" repeatedly. He reacted by simply chuckling.

"Well,it'll be my pleasure to have you there. You seem like the quiet intelligent one." He said when we started to walk.

"Thank you, sir." I replied with a small smile. "Well, time to know more about you, like, what is your name and, how old are you?"

"Well, my name is Emily Baker and I'm five years old." He smiled. "And my name is Watari. Glad to met you, Emily"

After a while of walking, we finally came to a door of a building. It was writing 'Wammy's House' on it and I could see the building behind that door and it was awesome.

Finally a place to live.

When we got inside, Watari brought me to a room and we got inside.

When we were inside, there was a man sitting there. And as I heard from his and Watari's words, he was the manager. They talked a lot, about me and other children, how intelligent I was according to Watari, etc.

When their talk ended, they asked me to fill a form. I filled it, using my fake name, Emily Baker of course.

When I finished, Watari brought me to a room filled with children. They were gathered around a computer. I wondered what was happening, and walked forward to take a closer look to the computer.

And then I saw the letter 'L' with a fancy font on the computer. I sat an empty place, and the person on the other side of the contact started to speak.

He started talking about monsters for a kids request. And for my surprise, it was a long speech that I liked a lot.

"There are many types of monsters that scare me: Monsters who cause trouble without showing themselves, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood... and then, monsters who tell nothing but lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more cunning than others. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they've never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them... because in truth, I am that monster."

By listening it, I realized that I was like him.

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