Grande Magic Games [5]

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     "Luce?" Natsu called out as Lucy disappeared into thin air. "Luce where are you?" He called out again.
     The fake Lucy laughed.
     "This isn't funny!" He yelled, shooting his head from side to side.
     "Not for you but for me! She doesn't realize what she's done," The fake said, laughing at the end.
     "What?" The shadows wrapped themselves around Natsu, he couldn't move. Boots clanked in the distance, coming closer. The fake appeared in Natsu's range. He could see her. She looked exactly like the real Lucy. Natsu fought against the shadows but couldn't free himself. "What is this stuff?" He asked. The shadows had his legs and feet pinned to the ground. His arms were pinned on either side of him, far from his body. He had one around his neck as well.
     "What?" She asked innocently. "What's wrong? Can't use magic?"
     Natsu tried but the second his body went aflame the shadows shocked him with voltage. Natsu screeched in pain, once the shadows stopped, Natsu kneeled down, pulling against his arms.
     "Oh? What's wrong?" She asked.
     "Damn." Natsu's voice rang through the halls. "Sorry, I kinda got stuck here when the brat came."
     "ANOTHER ME?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Natsu yelled.
     "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KILL HER!" Fake Lucy yelled at the fake Natsu.
     "Sorry." Fake Natsu said to her. "I almost succeeded in the Games but something happened and knocked her unconscious." He explained.
     Suddenly, everything started to go white.
     "SEE? THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE KILLED HER!" Fake Lucy yelled before e couldn't hear anything anymore.

     "I need to go back!" Lucy yelled to herself. "Celestial Nightmare." The spell didn't work. It should work. But it wasn't. "Celestial Nightmare!" Then an idea ran through her head. They both like each other, right? Lucy jumped from the infirmity bed and ran to the room Natsu was in.
     "Lucy! Get beach to bed!" Wendy yelled at her.
     "Lucy you can't go in there!" Both Mira and Wendy stopped her, blocked her path.
     "MOVE!" Lucy yelled "I NEED TO SEE HIM!"
     "MASTER!" Mira yelled to the master. "KNOCK HER OUT." They knew she would have a panic attack if she saw him. Master almost did but Lucy dodged the enlarged fist and pushed back Mira and Wendy, going into the room. Erza, Gray, Lisanna and Levy were in the room.
     "Lucy! You can't be in here!" Erza said to her.
     "MOVE!" She yelled again. She had to do this, she would make it work. Erza was appalled at her yelling, She stepped out of the way. Lucy ran to the bed, looking at Natsu's limp body. She breathed in and out. "This has to work" she mumbled to herself. She pulled the mask off of his face.
     "Oi! Lucy! He needs that!" Gray yelled. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING."
     Lucy whispered in Natsu's ear, "I love you two." Then took a breath and kissed Natsu on the lips. Please, please work! When Lucy pulled away, she saw everyone in the room was appalled at her. A moment later Natsu's hand twitched. After, he immediately shot up, breathing heavily. Lucy threw herself into him, hugging him.
     "NATSU!" Everyone in the room yelled, hugging him like Lucy did, even Gray.

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