Chapter 1

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Note: Pic Above Is Dustin (Not Real)

"You've got to come tonight!" Todd yells at me from behind. He always gasps and throws himself back when I decline the invitations to his 'legendary' birthday parties. It's quite amusing, I have to admit.

I chuckle and shake my head, still walking ahead of him. My legs may be short but they move fast.

"Why not? Dude! I might be getting a car tonight! You can't miss that!" Todd exclaims, acting like a DramaKing, like he does most days.

"It's just not my thing..." I shrug, not turning to speak to him face to face. Being late for school wasn't my thing either. Mom says that education is important, and though it may seem useless now, it will help me tons in the future. I couldn't have agreed more. I can't expect to get into medical school any other way.

Todd shuts up after that and we walk to school in silence. We part ways after entering the main lobby. Not even ten seconds later I'm sucked into another conversation with my other friend, Lily.

Lily was a pretty little thing. She was only a few inches shorter than me, and she had long brown hair that seemed to always be braided. She always wore sun dresses and converse.

"So I'm guessing you won't be coming to Todds' fantabulous sweet 16?" Lily glares at me as we walk to my locker.

"There'll be hundreds of other people. There's no point in go-" I'm cut off mid sentence by a smack on the back of my head. Before I even have a chance to say 'What the heck,' Lily was grilling in on me.

"You're his best friend, Dusty!" I groan at the use of my very annoying nickname. "I never bugged you about all the other parties because they weren't as important as this."

She continues while I grab my math and science textbook and walk away. I hear the closing of my locker and Lilys' tiny feet catch up to me.

"It's his sweet 16, Dustin. He's been freaking about it since we were 10!" She knows my answer is always no. No matter how important something is to Todd and Lily, they both know that my mother comes first.

A few people we pass in the hallways say "Hi," or wave in my direction. I smile back and keep heading towards the classroom. Lily kept pestering me. She wouldn't be 'World's Number One Girlfriend' if she just gave up. Yes, she and Todd are dating. They were almost born for each other. It's kind of creepy how much they can be alike sometimes.

I turn into the room, noticing a guy sitting at my chair. I stop for a second and tilt my head. Lily pushes me aside and storms into the classroom. My focus on the guy doesn't snap.

'He's gorgeous...'

I choke on the air and shake my head. What's my problem? That's a guy. He's just a normal kid like me. I walk over to him and cough, trying to get his attention. It works and I'm pinned by the softest baby blue eyes.

"Can I help you?" His voice, low and deep, had me frozen in place. I study his everything. His messy red hair and the small patch of freckles that dotted his nose and cheeks. He had a square jaw line that was slighty covered with little blonde hairs. Muscular shoulders under a well fitted leather jacket. Faded black jeans that hugged his thighs. Black boots.

"You're sitting in his seat," Lily speaks up, sounding annoyed. I mentally slap myself for looking like a total idiot in front of everyone. I look around, ready for the stares, but no one had walked in yet. Just as that thought appeared, the bell rang and everyone started running into the room. I look back down at an empty seat. I sigh and throw myself down.

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