Chapter 2

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Note: Pic Above Is Todd (Not Real)

Lunch rolled around fast, and I was standing by my locker with Todd. He still hasn't stopped bugging me about the party. I don't know what it is about him and Lily constantly pestering me about these things. They are literally the only two people that know about my mother, know about my vow. Nothing would take me from her side, not even my best friend's Sweet 16.

"Look, you deserve one night out! What better night than your best friend's birthday party?" Todd says, excited, as he shakes my shoulders for the dramatic effect.

I roll my eyes and laugh, patting him on the back. "Come over to my place after school? Mom has a surprise for you."

Todd jumps up and down with the biggest grin on his face and whoops. I laugh and we start heading to the lunch room. We both know Lily is probably tapping her foot impatiently.

To my surprise, she isn't standing at the front door waiting for us. Todd and I exchange confused looks and walk into the cafeteria. I'm even more surprised when I see Lily sitting at our table with a very familiar redhead.

Lily is talking Connor's ear off from the looks of it. He doesn't seem to mind though. Todd and I walk over to the lunch ladies and we get served the 'High School Slop.'

"That new guy better not be trying to take my girl." Todd starts speed walking like an idiot. I try my hardest not to laugh at his waddle. I don't think Brad Pitt could take Lily from Todd. They were created in a lab together, that's how perfect they are for each other.

I take my time walking to the table. For some reason, Connor makes me extrmely nervous. My whole body seems to tense and get hot when I'm near him. It's strange. I've never really seen myself as the shy guy. Slowly I make my way to the table and sit on the opposite side of Connor, which makes me have to face him.

Connor looks over at me and smiles. He has straight white teeth, which makes him look more perfect than before.

I mentally shake myself of the thought and smile back. Connor obviously forgot about my nosey scene in Science. 'Thank God!' I really don't want him to hate me. Only because he seems like a nice guy. Maybe a possible new friend? Yeah that's exactly it.

"Connor's going to be hanging with us for the next week or so. Teacher put me on the welcoming committee," Lily says with a smile but sighing at the end. No one likes when teachers pick them to show the newbies around.

"Cool," Todd sighs, sounding highly annoyed. His jealousy seemed genuine. That has me chuckling.

"So, what's your name?" I look up and see Connor resting his chin in his hands and leaning over the table with his elbow propping him up. "Sorry, I didn't catch it in science." His gaze slowly moves up and down. I gulp, feeling my face get hot. My throat is suddenly dry.

"Dustin," Lily chirps in. I nod my head, looking down at my lap. Well that was embarressing... I sigh and put a soggy fry into my mouth. After that there was normal chatter. Todd attacked Connor with a bunch of questions. I learned a few things about him.

For starters, he is 17. He got held back a year due to his parents constant moving. His parents just got a divorce, and he is now staying with his mother who is planning on settling down somewhere for good. Possibly our small town. His favourite color is green, favorite movie is 'Finding Nemo.' That got him some brownie points from Todd, because 'Finding Nemo' was his favorite as well.

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