Chapter 5

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Note: Pic Above Is Ms O'Connor (Not Real)

Today wasn't what I would call easy. This morning was normal, I prepared my moms breakfast and got her on the couch comfortably before I had left for school. Todd and I walked together like we usually do, but instead of our usual jumbled conversation and Todds' hyperactive personality everything was silent and Todd was uncomfortably quiet.

Todd then began to get angry with me for not apologizing for missing his party, I didn't bother with defending myself. My mom always came first and Todd of all people knew that. He didn't appreciate the silence from my side and stomped off ahead. After rounding the corner I was met with the sight of Connor and Todd laughing. Together. Like they were suddenly best friends.

I followed them into school but lost them in the crowd. Lily stomped towards me the second I stepped in. She yelled at me in the middle of the hall. Everyone stared and whispered. I hate being the center of attention but Lily didn't care what people thought of her. If that wasn't bad enough I made eye contact with Connor who looked almost sympathetic. I tried walking towards him but he instantly went cold and turned away from me.

That was just my morning. I'm sitting alone at an empty lunch table now. Brooding I suppose. My friends are all mad at me but from my point of view it appears they have already forgotten me. Connor is making Todd and Lily bust their guts laughing. A few other students were surrounding the table laughing just as hard. It was a depressing sight to me really. Watching my friends having a better time without me.

Connor makes eye contact with me every once in a while, and my stomach flutters every single time. Everyone is sitting next to a window and the high afternoon sun is shinning right in, almost like a spot light on Connor's wavy red locks. His eyes sparkle every time he glances over cause the sun hits them just right at that angle.

I can't take it anymore.

I stand up slowly and turn away walking towards the exit. I bump into a wall- I mean a guy? We stand there and just give each other blank looks. The guy looked familiar, he was a senior I think. He had short black hair that spiked up. He smelled faintly of Axe. He wore a plain black long sleeve and skinny jeans. His feet were covered with black beat up looking converse. His eyes were an unusual light brown. There was something intimidating about those eyes that made my skin crawl. He steps to the side and motions me to walk forward. I instantly obey the quiet command.

I don't dare look back. That guy looks like he would gut me if I gave him the slightest wrong look.


Todd didn't walk home with me after school, but I did see him leave the school with Connor and Lily. I'm sitting on the arm chair watching Muary with my mom. My mom really enjoys mocking people. She finds it extremely amusing watching strangers bring their pointless drama on national television. I just find it extremely stupid.

Mom starts yelling at the TV which terrifies me. "Oh come on! The test proved he's your baby! Don't be an asshole!"

I sink into the chair as deep as possible and watch my mom turn into Godzilla. I agree 110% with her that the dad should step up but damn this is scary. She threw the remote at me once when I told her to calm down. She never abused me but she gets worked up when it came to Maury. You never get between my mom and her Maury time. Todd finds it hilarious...

Todd... Connor...

You screwed up big time.

The commercials start and mom leans back on the couch grumbling like a child. The grumbles are quickly replaced by a coughing fit. I shoot up from the chair and pour my mom water. Her chest rattles but I refuse to look scared in front of her. She coughs slightly harder into her hands before she grabs the cup. Something red smears on the cup but I pretend to not notice it. Mom sighs and wipes her hands on her sweat pants.

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