Chapter 6

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Note: Pic Above Is Lily (Not Real)

         I'm back at my usual table with my best friends and Connor. I don't consider him a best friend yet but I'm not going to lie he's getting there really fast. We haven't brought up the boot room scene or what happened afterwards which I'm grateful for. Connor is learning appropriate times to tease me, so I'm expecting it to come up soon.

       Todd had called me that night to apologize and tell me I was forgiven, that was the cherry on top to my banana slpit of a day. No, actually the cherry on top was when I got home and Ms. O'Connors and my mom were watching some romance movie crying their eyes out like babies. I tried to hug my mom but she shooed me out of the living room telling me not to interrupt her woman time. It's amazing seeing her so happy and upbeat and acting like a regular mom. I mean as regular as she can get, having friends and such. She probably felt the same way about me when I left to visit Connor. Speaking of Connor he's been very flirty today, right now he's trying to play footies with me but I'm ignoring him. He hugged me from behind this morning and bit my neck in front of everyone but no one seemed to notice. Then in class he kept passing notes to me with kissy faces and compliments. I just let him be, I learned my lesson the last time I made a big deal out of his harmless flirting.   
    Connors foot brushes over mine for the millionth time this lunch period. He just won't stop with the footies! I smile down at my nuggets pretending not to notice just like he pretends not to realize he's doing it. Todd and Lily are snuggling in front of us on the other side of the table completely oblivious to us. Soon is their 3 year anniversary and Lily is determined to have Todds' full and undivided attention  until then. It was adorable how long they've been together yet they still somehow managed to act like they just got together and be friends at the same time.

    Connors foot brushes over mine again. This time I use my tiny feet to stomp on his and he chuckles at my weak effort. Lily takes a second to pull her face from the crook of Todds neck to give us a questioning look.

    "Dustin won't stop flirting with me." Connor says innocently and pouts. I nearly choke on the air shaking my head rapidly. The heat in my neck rising all the way to the tips of my hair. Lily just giggles and shakes her head. Todd laughs and Connor chuckles. My elbow connects with Connors ribs and I almost believed I hurt him when the chuckles die down... only to be replaced with laughter. I feel my temper rise and I start elbowing the crap out of his arm. He starts laughing harder for a few seconds then with cat like reflexes wraps an arm over me reaching for my wrist and with his other hand grabbing my elbow holding me to the table. I'm stuck with Connors chest to my back. Lily starts to laugh as well when she realizes I'm actually struggling to get free.

    "Say mercy!" Connor whispers into my ear and I'm frozen for a second. Trying to ignore the butterfly field that erupted in my stomach.
    "Mercy..." I whine in defeat. The bell rings but Connor still doesn't let me go. I watch Todd and Lily walk off and the cafeteria empty. Still pressed between Connor and the table. I start to squirm and wriggle my way out of Connors grip. When the last student leaves and the door shuts behind her Connor finally lets go.

    "What the hell dude I said mercy...?!" I turn around only to find my face inches away from Connors. His arms on either side of me, his hands resting on the table trapping me. I start to breath heavily but Connor stays calm. He scans every inch of my face, I'm close enough to see my reflection in his eyes. Everything is so quiet. The butterflies start going crazy. My eyes decide to be adventurous and find their way to Connors lips. Connors boots squeak loud in the empty cafeteria as he lowers himself to his knees positioning himself between my legs. My knees brushing his sides. My heart joins the butterflies.

    Connor gives me his cute little lopsided grin before putting his hands on my waist. I don't even care anymore. My hands find the side of his head and I pull him towards me. His grip on my waist tightens slightly. I was planning on leaving a gentle kiss but Connor had other plans.
    What was meant to be a short cute kiss Connor turn into something hungry. Our faces smashed together and our tongues fought for dear life. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me as close as possible, and I didn't care one bit. I let the euphoria take over. Everything in me started to tingle and warm up. I never felt anything like it. I started to breath through me nose trying to prevent separating, but it was getting too much for me and I pulled away taking in a huge breath from my mouth. Connor wasn't happy about that and just as soon as I pulled away he pulled me back. I wanted to push him back onto the floor but that would be too much effort and might cause us to pull apart. I pushed myself against him as much as possible. My knees locked to his sides. 

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