How I survive by running from my enemies

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  what can I say now I have only one friend who's name is Hannah and the fact that I rarely talk to her is a problem because I am not getting any social interaction I don't want to go to school because I am getting called names like PPT, short stuff, etc. I won't go into detail about what PPT stands for but that's why I don't want to go to school ever again.

                                                                             ~~The Next Day~~

"Hey PPT, get over here!" yelled a familiar voice. what did Thomas want with me now? he yelled again,"I said get over here now" I started running from school to my house Thomas and his crew were right behind me when I was about a block away from my house I jumped inside and closed the door This is only part of what they do if I got taken down well you can use your imagination to find out what they might do. I wish that my mom and dad would listen to me when I say that I am getting bullied at school, but my mom is too busy to even listen to me and my dad is way too drunk to listen either and my sister is three years older than me and doesn't want me to be in her room so I am screwed. I can't be alone ever because I might hurt myself in horrible ways that I will regret later and around my bullies I might get killed by them for the fact that the beat me up I don't feel good after I get to and from school for that reason.

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