Untitled Part 20

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The doctor said that I got a minor concussion my fifth one. After I got out of the doctor's office I was told that I needed to wait at least three weeks to recover from the concussion. This is going to be a fun three weeks.

~A week later~

"I haven't talked to my therapist in awhile" I told isabelle. "Wait since when do you have a therapist?" she asked me. "Since I first attempted suicide" "Oh yeah. When do you need to be there?" "I will have to go today because I missed a few appointments" "ok where would that be" "not too far from here" "ok" we got ready to go and walked to the therapist. "You didn't need to come you know" I told her "I know, I wanted to see the building" she replied "ok" "quick question? Do you need me to walk in there with you like are you anxious about this?" "yes although you will have to talk to my therapist about coming with me into the room" "ok" we got to the building and isabelle was amazed on how it looked "WOW! This is the place you go to every time?!" "yes it is, I can tell that you like it already." "I do harry." "well should we go in then" "yes" we got greeted by the secretary at the front desk "hello can I help you with anything?" "Yes my names Harry Monroe and I'm here to talk to Jessica Cooper." "Ok I'll tell her you're here" we waited there for about 15 minutes and then Jessica came out and called me into her office. "I have a quick question Ms. Cooper." "what is harry?" she said in her beautiful voice. "Can she come in with me?" I asked pointing to Belle. "Yes she can." "Come on Belle you can come with." "Ok!" she said as she stood up and walked over to me. "Take a seat you two" Ms. Cooper told us. We sat down and then she started to ask questions like normal. "How are things going around school?" "good I met new friends and some new enemies but it's all good." "that's good you found friends. Are you concerned about anything?" "yeah kinda people in the halls look at me for some reason and ask who im talking to and I hear voices in my head that tell me things like they are going to hurt you or kill yourself things like that." "How's the family life Harry?" "Well that is not so good I came into the house and my parents yelled at me and i woke up in my room after my dad knocked me unconscious with him standing in the door with my knife I had under my pillow and he said to me 'if you want to die so badly I will help you with your wish and kill you right here right now' and so I am not living in my house necessarily" "where are you living? You must be living in a house or you wouldn't look as nice as you look now if you are living in the streets." "I am living with her." "are you related to her?" "No" "then what is your relationship to her" "she is my girlfriend" "how is your relationship going?" "it's going great" "what is your name?" she asked isabelle. "Me? Oh my name is isabelle but you can call me Belle." "nice to meet you belle. How long have you two been dating?" "we've been dating for about 3 months now. Right?" "yeah that's right" "nice to know you two are together and happy. Harry can I talk to belle privately" "yes you can do you want me to leave the room for now" "yes please" "ok." I left the room and stood by the door. I heard some of the conversation the parts that I heard was "So you know what happened to harry with...." "yes he told me everything" "so you know about him being suicidal." "yes" "are you helping with keeping him from doing anything drastic" "yes I am he told me ..." "good..." "yeah" "do you really like him?" "of course, he's better than my previous boyfriend he..." "you poor thing" "...and..." "sounds like you both need..." "can harry come... I really..." "yes" at that moment the door opened and I looked in and saw her there on the couch looking really nervous. "Is she ok?" "yes she is she told me that she is scared." after she told me that I walked over to her and comforted her. "Thank you harry for coming today I have one last question to ask belle. Do you want to talk to me more often? Its ok if you don't want to" "is it going to cost anything?" "nope and if you want harry to come with you to the sessions he can." "I would love that thank you" "no problem and I need to talk to harry before you two leave. ok?" "Ok" "I'll wait outside the door for you harry ok?" "ok what did you need to talk to me about" "you have many of the signs of schizophrenia" "oh so I have schizophrenia." "you might but it is not a guarantee, you might have one of the six types of the disorder. we will have to look into that the next time you come in, ok?" "ok" "you have any questions?" "no not really" "ok you may leave" I walked out the door and belle asked what she told me. "I might have schizophrenia." "oh, well that's not good" "no,no it's not, but there is nothing I can do about it" "yeah I guess you're right." "we should get home before your dad gets concerned about us" "Yeah we probably should" we walked home, and on the way home I heard them saying things like she hates you, she wants to kill you, theres a car coming jump in front of it now do it NOW and when I heard isabelle again she asked if I was doing ok "yeah I'm going to be ok I think" "ok as I was saying it is 6:15 at night so if we get home and my dad is asleep then we will have to make dinner for ourselves quietly so he doesn't wake up he really needs his sleep" she told me "ok"

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