No Debate

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Kenya POV-

"Try not to make too noise. Ugly is sleeping." I said as I opened the door for my friend Brandon. He had came over to get a book he let my borrow.

He walked over to the couch and looked at O, whose bare legs were hanging off

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He walked over to the couch and looked at O, whose bare legs were hanging off. Covers thrown messily over his chest. Yes you saw the six-pack and the chest of steel. Insert eye roll.

His mouth was opened, as his chest went up and down from his breathing.

"How does a nigga look fine just breathing? Just breathing!? Like  how is that humanely possible." He fanned himself looking him over like she was a doctor and he was her patient.

"Would you get away from him?" I dragged him back to my room and closed the door.

He sat on my bed.

"How do you have that in your house almost everyday and not ride that thing until the wheels fall off?"

"Stop hyping him up. He's average at best."  I sat at my desk and scrolled through my phone.

He looked around the room shocked. "Bitch average?  Ciara's singing voice is average. if there's a scale, he's at the top. Are you crazy? Average?" He said hysterical.

"I don't get the hype. Maybe because I know him unlike most of you groupies. He's messy."

"And?" He said like are you serious.

"He's arrogant."


"He's a hoe."

"And so fucking what. Add me to the  rotation."

"he just... No." I shook my head, with a disgusted look.

"In all of this you missed one thing. The nigga is fine. Not cute. Not okay if he had personality. No, this nigga is the son of God himself. He ain't in heaven no mo. He is laying on your couch in some boxers. Boxers my nigga. Dick
Free for you to grab. And you up here complaining about him being messy? Bitch he doesn't have to clean because I will. Do you understand how stupid you sound?"

"It's not all about looks."

"Like hell it ain't? Now that's what you say when you got an average dusty ass nigga like Jarvis to make his ass feel better."

"Now Jarvis. I like." I smirked.

Jarvis Landry was Odell's best friend and roommate. Now if Jarvis was on my couch, this would go a different way. But with O, he was my best friend and all, but I just didn't see it for him the way other girls did. He looked like a
Little puppy to me. Farreal look at so'a face. He looks like a little
Poodle. Insert Kanye shrug.

"You are not telling me Jarvis looks better than Odell?"

"Yes. I think Jarvis looks better than Odell." I said confidently.

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