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Kenya POV-

I was laying in my bed going through some lecture notes for class, when I heard my front door open.

I knew it couldn't be O.  He had practice at this time. But they got out early.

"O." I called out.

I heard footsteps to the back and I let out a sigh of relief when he came down the hallway.

"I thought you was supposed to be at practice?" He threw his football stuff in the corner and took off his shirt.

"Scoot over." He simply said.

And I moved over so he could lay down.

"You not feeling good?" I wondered concerned. He never misses practice. Ever.

He didn't answer me, he just laid down and started to scroll through his phone.

Oh god. I hope Juice didn't blab about our date.

I felt his forehead to see if he had a fever, while he kept looking at his phone. He didn't.

"Is it your hamstring again? I got some ice packs I'll get them." I was about to get up.

"You went out with Juice yesterday?" He looked over at me with an angry expression on his face.

"I told you were I was, yesterday."

He squinted his eyes looking at me, trying to figure out if I was telling the truth.  "Don't lie to me."

"Did Juice say something to you?" I asked.

His eyes looked surprised. "You really did go out with this nigga?"

I sighed and was silent.

"And you fucked him on the first night?" He said hysterical.

"Hell no! He thought that was going down and I pepper sprayed his ass when he didn't know the meaning of no."

O's jaw clenched. He got up out the bed quickly and grabbed his stuff.

I ran over to stop him, by grabbing his arm. "O I didn't have sex with him. I even left the date early because he was an ass like you said."

"Take your fucking hands off of me." He gave me a look like he would hit me if I didn't. I immediately moved my hands.

"I'm sorry I doubted you O. I was being stupid." I followed him out the room.

He threw his stuff down and backed me into the hallway wall. He was in kissing distance of my face.

"Here I am defending your black ass. And you just like the rest of these hoes. A nigga give your ass one compliment, you ready to hop on his dick. But a nigga that be down for your black ass, care for you, treat you like gold you can't even see that shit. Fuck you Kenya." He got out of my face, got his things and left out the door slamming it behind him.

"Bitch you better get your ass up, and figure out how you gon get your best friend back because my pockets is counting on them NFL checks he's about to get after the draft."

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