1 To My 3

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Kenya POV -

I waited by O's car until he got out of class. Brandon lied and said he was going to pick me up for one thing, but then he dropped me at O's car and dipped off.


It had been literally five days since we spoke. Probably the longest we ever went without talking. O never returned any of my calls or text. Although he did actively post on social media.

Nothing about me though. He wasn't the type to do subliminals.

Waiting for him to get out felt like an eternity, and my stomach was completely in knots. Brandon was right, I can't let Juice ruin what was built before he came into the picture.

The door to the building where O had class opened and students began to fill out.

I eventually saw O come out. He walked towards his car.

I stood in front of his driver's door.

"O we need to talk." I nervously put my hands in my pockets.

Most of the students were gone but there were a few in the lot, getting in their cars.

He put his keys in his jacket pocket and folded his arms looking at me. He said nothing.

"I'm sorry that I doubted you. Sorry that I doubted that you wanted nothing but the best for me. I did go on the date, but I swear I didn't sleep with him. You know that's not me. And That's why he was mad."

He just stood in the same position not saying anything.

"You're annoying when you're there, but with my apartment empty I realized how much I missed you. And I don't want Juice to come in between a friendship that formed before you even knew him."

"Can I get in my car?" Is all he said pulling out his keys.

I moved to let him in.

"I sorta need a ride Brandon dropped me off then, dipped."

He motioned his head for me to get in and closed his door.

I got in on the passenger side and closed the door. He started the car and pulled out of the parking space, then the lot, then headed towards my apartment.

It was silent. He was just focused on the road. I thought now was the time to address what Brandon said.

"Brandon thinks the silliest thing." I chuckled.

"What?" He said serious, focusing on the road.

"That somehow you like me. Like, like me, like me. Isn't that crazy?" I looked at him laughing.

"What would give him that idea?" He looked out his window when he made a turn, then focused back on the road. No change of expression.

"He says you do things to show that you like me. Like with the initials in the glove thing. Always at my house. How we interact. Then this interview he found where you said me and your parents were your inspiration. That's ludicrous isn't it. You just mean all that stuff like a friend right? We know you wouldn't date me." I looked at him.

He pulled the car over to the side of the road, which was in front of someone's corner house.

He sat with his head back against the head rest and sighed. He looked out the window.

"Love is peculiar. You think you have a type. You think you know what you want. But then someone graces your path who is nothing like what you imagined and they just steal your heart.   And you spend all day thinking about them. Thinking about ways you can get closer to them. You get sick when you're not around them. Even if it is five days." He fiddled with his hands and looked out the windshield.

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