Flashback: Friends

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Kenya POV-

"Back at it again with the B-. Damn Daniel." O came in the library and slid me his test.

"You want a parade?" I said not looking up from my notebook.

"Yes with floats, carrying naked women that say Daddy Dell on the side." He reached into my trail mix and got some.

"Excuse you." I snatched my bag.

"These good where you get this from?" He said chewing.

"Don't worry about it." I said writing in my notebook.

"Why you being mean?"

"I'm not being mean. You got your B-, you can get away from me now. Our sessions are done."

"You can't get away from me. We friends now." He grabbed my bag of trail mix and got a huge hand full.

I stale faced him. He just looked at me with huge stuff cheeks, chewing.

"Odell, I don't want to be your friend."

"Why? I'm a great friend."

I rolled my eyes and went back to writing.

"You making me feel like a prostitute. just using me, then leaving." He said chewing.

"How am I using you, when  I tutored you." I rolled my eyes.

"Stop treating me like that. You hurting my feelings." He grabbed my bag of trail mix.

"You know what. Keep it." I said annoyed.

"If you told me where you got it, I wouldn't be eating it." He said popping more in his mouth.

"Do you hear how stupid you sound?" I said writing.

"Since  we friends now--"

"Odell get this through your head. We're not friends. I tutored you to prepare you to retake your midterm. You got an okay grade."

"Okay grade?" He said offended.

"It wasn't an A so its okay. And now I don't have to deal with you. Your offbeat dancing you randomly break out into. Your dorm popups. Or your many groupies that keep your phone vibrating interrupting our tutoring. Goodbye. Good riddens. Arrivederci. Au revoir. And any other goodbye,  in any other language."

"I know you don't mean that so... Imma ignore it."

"Odell, I do. Look at my face. I'm serious." I made a serious face.

"All I see is beautiful sun-kissed skin."

I stared at him.

"What?" He said chewing.

"You are so irritating. Go and leave me alone."

"I got you two tickets to my game Saturday. It's my first day back, since I made the grade." He handed me a small envelope.

"I hate football and you. So no thanks."

He stale faced me.

"what? I do. I have plans." I said.

"At noon?"

"Yes I do."

"What?" He looked at me like yeah right.

"Don't worry about it. Just know it doesn't consist of you and your wack ass team."

"They only wack cause I been sitting out."

"Odell, give your tickets to one of your fans."

"I did. My number 1 fan."

I rolled my eyes as hard as I could.

"Odell..." I rubbed my head like I had a headache. "What don't you get? I hate football and I hate you."

He was so damn irritating.

He got up.

"Thank god." I said.

He walked to the door then back.

"We'll try this again." He sat back down.

"Hey K. What's up? How you feel? You good. Good."

"Why are you so extra?" I asked him. "Better yet why even after us being done, you still are staking me."

"Because I think you're a great young lady. And I want to get to know you beyond just being my tutor."

"Young lady?" I laughed at him sounding like somebody's old uncle.

"Come on K. Give me a chance as your friend. I'm not as bad as you think. Think everything good about a person. That's me." He smiled.

"That's exactly why it's a no for me." I went back to writing.

"I'm joking K. But forreal. Working with you I just realize you smart as hell. And you ain't afraid to call me out on my shit. I need people like that around me. Plus you ain't bad to look at. You working with a lil something. Know what I mean? Our baby did you right."

I threw my pen at him. He laughed.

He was funny and charismatic,it's easy to see why girls fell for him. But not this one. I knew he didn't sincerely like me. We know his type. 🙄

He just wanted to get me weak enough, where I would break like the other girls then he could brag about it. But that would never happen. I would never fall victim to his man ego games, so he could scratch me off as another on the list. He wasn't slick. And I wasn't naive.

"Please come to my game. It's good seats. And we can  kick it afterword."

"O I'm going to make this clear. I'm not like these other girls. If you want to be cool, then that's fine. But know that's all it is. Nothing else."

"Aight, that's all I wanted. Damn."

"Just so you know."

"So are you gonna go?"

"Yeah, I'll go."

He held out his pinky finger.

I hit it with my notebook and he laughed.

"Aight see you." He got up.

"See you." I said writing.

He left.

We'll see how this goes.

Flashbacks almost done guys. Anything you want to see before I wrap it up? And then eventually end the book.

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