Flashback: Why Do I Care

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Odell POV-

Kenya was tutoring me today and I was going to wait to the end of the session to ask her to come hang. Just so we could get to know each other better.

I have never, been this drawn to a girl in my life. Maybe it was the challenge. The fact that she didn't fall at my feet like everybody else. I don't know what it was, but I had to learn more about her. Be around her a little more.

Good." She looked over my work as she corrected it.

We were in the tutoring center and our session was almost over.

What she did to help me out was, take ten problems. Break them down in steps until we got the final answer. Let me review and memorize them. Then basically regurgitate what She had written.

It would help me in getting the basic mechanics down. Before, we went into me doing problems on my own. Surprisingly it was helpful.

"On this one just remember the x." She pointed to the one problem I messed up.

I looked over the practice problems she corrected.

"I made you a few practice problems, just to try on your own. So we can see where your deficiency is." She handed me the paper.

"If you need anything else. Just let me know." She got her bookbag and was about to leave.

Now was my chance. My heart was beating out of my chest, but I pushed myself to be brave. She wouldn't reject just hanging would she? Especially since we went all the way to NOLA together. That makes us semi-cool right?

"I was gonna grab something to eat you hungry?" I said grabbing his things.

"No I'm good."

I sighed and decided to try again.

"It's the least I can do for you helping me."

"I'm okay. I have studying of my own I need to do."

"Well I can drive you back to your dorm."

"It's just a couple of blocks. I can walk. But thank you." She grabbed her bag and walked out.

"Ey Kenya." I called after her.

She turned around and I walked up to her.

"I umm..." I cleared my throat. It was like the words couldn't come
Out. "I was...just gonna say can we change next Thursday to Wednesday instead."

"That's fine."

There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Did you want something else or..."


"Okay. See you then." She turned around and walked out the building.

I laid in my bed in the dark staring at the ceiling. I had to be the biggest loser ever. Do you know how many girls, I've finessed in my life?

And here I'm in front of Kenya and nothing would come out.

Why did I care?

I could go through my phone right now, and any girl I called would answer and be willing and ready to meet where I said.

Why did I care?

Droves of girls recognize me on campus and come and talk to me without me saying a word.

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