My Day

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Kenya POV-

"Auntie K." My godson ran up to me, as I opened the hotel door.

"Hey Auntie's baby." I grabbed him, picked him up and gave him a million kisses.

"Me missed you sooo much." He beamed a huge bright smile.

"Me missed you too. You been a good boy?"

"No." Brandon said preparing Justin's bag for the game.

"Uh-huh daddy." Justin defended himself.

"Uh-huh my behind. I just caught you red handed eating my candy when I said don't touch it."

"I didn't touch it. I just ate it."

I laughed. Brandon rolled his eyes.

"I'm giving him back." Brandon said finishing up the bag.

"Ignore your daddy. He loves you more than anything in this world. You know that don't you?"

Justin shook his head yes.

Brandon and Jussie had gotten married after we graduated and they adopted Justin when he was a baby right after. He was almost three now and he was Auntie's big boy.

They still live in Baton Rouge while Jussie finishes up his med school
residency. But they visit as much as they can. When Brandon's work schedule allows. Yes, y'all he's corrupting the Baton Rouge youth.

"Auntie K, look." He pointed to see Number 13 Jersey, O gave him.

"I see and Uncle O is gonna be so excited to see you in it."

"I'm excited. I love football." Justin said referring to the game.

"You love football?"

"Uh-huh. Me wanna play like Uncle O, when I get big."

"And I bet you're gonna be even better than Uncle O too." I said too.

"He better. Shit, Papa need NFL checks."

"Brandon you will not pimp by baby." I kissed Justin's cheek.

"His behind finna be in every football camp on the planet."

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Justin come pick up these toys." Brandon told him.

I let him down and Justin picked up the toys and handed them to Brandon.

"Daddy can I have a juice box?" He patted Brandon's leg.

"No. Your head look like a big juice box."

"Uh-uh daddy that's yo big head."
He laughed.

"Come here." Brandon chased after Justin he screamed.

"Calm down boy." Brandon laughed and picked him up and kissed him.

"Love you daddy so much."

"Love you too, so much."

"Aww my babies." I said looking at them. They looked so cute together. Ahh my ovaries.

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