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So this is the final chapter I guess. Uhm yeah.

It sucks. Sorry about that if you were expecting something big.


The plane back home was peaceful. On the outside at least it was. On the inside my mind was a mess. My mind kept racking on what had happened in the past weeks. I left all those memories.

Instead of listening to music or watching the movie, I just put my headphones in and replayed the moments through my mind. I closed my eyes to block out any light and colors.

I saw him. That was all I needed.


I sighed as I put the final box down in my new dorm room.

His image was still in my mind.

The last time I saw him was six years ago. I'm nineteen years now.

I'm now going to the Santa Monica College of Music to pursue, obviously, my music career. I play several instruments and hope to become a recording artist with my own music.

Alder was the one who told me to go after it as I sung to him night after night. His favorite song for me to sing to him was a little melody called I Wouldn't Mind.

Foreeeeever is a long timeeee.

But I wouldn't mind spending it byyy yooour siiiide.

That's exactly how I sung it holding out each note as he looked onto the camera in awe, during out late night video chats.

We've been together for six years now. Six years of never ending hope and love. Love is a four letter word until you meet somebody very special and worthwhile that gives it meaning. Love is like a mountain, hard to climb. But once you get to the top, the view is beautiful. Missing him was the hardest part even though we were completely in love.

Realizing I was still standing in the middle of my room with the door opened, I walked over and shut it quickly. I plopped onto the couch and decided to call my mom.

Her joy filled face popped up right as I unlocked my phone.

"Oh hey mom, I was just getting ready to call you."

She laughed. "Oh. Well how're you doing there Hun?"

"Pretty good. I just got all my boxes out of the truck. It's already around 8:00 here. So now I gotta find someplace to park it and then unpack everything and get my classes and look around and-"

"Um Lexi?"


"You realize it's only June right? You got there super early. You have a month."

"Oh yeah."

"Well I'll leave you to everything. Love you, bye."

"Bye mamma, love ya."

I threw the phone across the bed as I fell on my back lazily. I closed my eyes for a moment before I heard my phone ringing again. I groggily got up and checked it with half an eye.

Seeing it was him calling me, I immediately answered now wide awake.

"Hey there stranger."

"Hey beautiful. I'm going to sleep but I just wanted to let you know that I'm flying out to Los Angeles tomorrow morning. Goodnight amazing."


He just grinned and hung up on me. I growled and tried again.

Alder Sky Threlkeld is not available for Facetime.

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