Movie Night

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Alberto : Your eyes flutter open as his giggle is muffled in the back of your mind. You glance at the Tv but can't make out the picture, due to your tired eyes. "Were you asleep?" he whispers, pressing his lips to yourforehead, you nod and rest your head on his shoulder. Alberto wraps his arms around you and pauses the DVD. "Want to go to bed?" he chuckles. You smile and shake your head. "I can stay up for a little bit longer, I just had a busy day" you reply, kissing his cheek softly. He puts the movie back on and you rest your head into his chest as he gently plays with your hair, neither of you really focusing on the movie now.

Harry : He fidgets underneath the blanket as you laugh at the screen in front of you. His arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer to him while his lips gently kiss your neck. "Babe" he mumbles. You smile slightly and keep your gaze fixed on the TV, causing Harry to trail kisses down your neck towards your shoulder. He sighs into your skin and travels his fingers up and down your arms, "Can you be quiet please? You're breathing too loud" you tease. He groans, "Come on baby, please" he tries again, kissing your cheek and reaching round to turn off the TV with the remote. You laugh slightly and turn to him taking his face in your hands, causing him to pout playfully at you. "Can't we get trough one movie night without your hormones getting the best of you?" you ask, making the both of you laugh.

Matthew : To be honest, you weren't interested in the movie Matt had suggested and had no idea what was happening with the pot at all, but still you made the effort to seem interested. He laughs at the screen once more and throws his head back, squeezing his eyes shut. You smile at the sight of how happy he is and continue to play with your fingers in your lap. He turns to you, his head cocked slightly, "Did you not find that funny either babe? You haven't laughed at any of the good bits all night" he points out. You smile a little and shrug your shoulders, "I don't know I guess I wans't really in a comedy mood tonight" you respond. "We can watch something else?" he suggests, muting the TV. You smile and feel a little bit guilty for not being interested in his favourtie movie, "No, We can keep watching, but do you think you could explain to me what's happening" you laugh.

Dominic : You run your hand trough his messy hair and smile, his eyelids lazily dropping every few seconds. His eyes are on the screen but you can tell he's not taking it in. You turn off the TV and pull him closer to you, kssing his head. "Why'd you turn off the TV? I was enjoying that" he tells you, laughing. He wraps his arms around you and lazily buried his head into your stomach. "Movie nights are boring because I don't get to talk to you" he whispers. You smile, "I thought they were fun" you reply, faking offence. You feel him smile into your skin. "They are but I'd rather much hear about your day."   

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