He gets jealous

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Alberto : The two of you had gone out for a stroll in the park. You always liked to go for walks in the park and Alberto enjoyed seeing how happy the nature makes you, so he tags along the majority of the time. He had been swinging your hands back and forth making you laugh every so often. "No way, (Y/N)?" A voice called out and you looked up and saw one of your classmates from a few years ago. You didn't think you would see him again since you switched schools, but here he was, standing in front of you. "Oh my god, Josiah!" You let go of Alberto's hand and gave Josiah a small hug. You pulled away from him and smiled. "Wow, you've grown like a thousand inches." You chuckled as did he. "Well, it's been a few years and that tends to happen." He nudged you with his arm and you just laughed some more. Alberto cleared his throat and you looked over at your boyfriend who didn't look very pleased. "Oh! Sorry!" You smacked your forehead then laughed it off. "Al, this is Josiah, Josiah, this is Alberto." You introduced the two and Alberto glared at Josiah. "Her boyfriend." He smiled sarcastically at him and you looked over at him with a disapproving look. "Nice to meet you," He smiled at Alberto, but he ignored it. "Well, (Y/N), it was really nice to see you again. Maybe we can catch up another time?" He suggested and you nodded your head, smiling at him as he walked away from you waving. You turned to Alberto who was now evidently grumpy. "Oh, don't be such a grump. I love you." You leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek. He looked down at you and grabbed a hold of your hand. "You better." He smirked and you just rolled your eyes playfully at him.

Dom : "They're probably arguing about how slutty that dress is." You laughed as you pointed out the couple in the store who looked like they were yelling at each other because of the dress the girl had tried on. Sometimes when you and Dom were bored you'd go somewhere and make up stories about what two people are talking about, or assume what they're talking about. It always made the two of you laugh, so you continued doing it. "What about Mr. McDonald's over there?" Dom asked as he pointed at the man who had a tray full of food from McDonald's for himself. You looked at him for a second then over at Dom. "He's probably drowning himself in fast food because of that horrible haircut." You covered your mouth after it had come out of your mouth and you both were laughing. "Are we horrible people?" You asked between the fit of laughter. He nodded his head, unable to speak in the laughter the two of you had. "Um, excuse me, I'm going to have to ask you to quiet down or you'll have to leave the mall." A deep voice said from beside you. Your heart stopped and the two of you immediately stopped laughing and you looked to your right to see a large figure standing there, looking down at you. You rolled your eyes once you realized who it was then stood up and he burst out laughing. "You're such an idiot, Chase." You shook your head and he just laughed some more. "Sorry if I scared you." He chuckled as he looked down at Dom who was sitting on the bench just staring at the two of you. "Right! Chase, this is my boyfriend Dom. Babe, this is Chase. We go to school together." You smiled at Dom then looked over at Chase. You continued talking to Chase about schools and other things when Dom interrupted the conversation. "Sorry, to cut this short, but babe," He grabbed onto your hand and you realized how he enunciated babe, "We should probably get going." You waved to Chase and followed behind Dom who looked extremely aggravated. "Are you jealous?" You asked him and he looked down at you, shaking his head. "No." He simply replied. "Babe... He's gay." You chuckled to yourself and he stopped walking and stared at you. "I wasn't jealous-wait what did you just say?" "He's gay." He shook his head and smiled at you. "Psh, I knew that..."

Matt : "Whatcha doin'?" Matt asked as he sat down next to you on your bed. You were on your laptop as you had just finished your essay so you logged into facebook. You usually didn't go on. You would normally go on to upload pictures then you end up creeping on whoever shows up on your newsfeed. "Scrolling through Facebook." You smiled over at him and he nodded his head, watching you as you did. You suddenly got a new notification and it was just some random guy who you've never really talked to liking your profile picture. A second later there was another notification indicating he had now commented on it. You clicked on the notification and it brought you to your profile picture. You scrolled down to where his comment was and there it was. "Breath taking :)" Matt stared at the comment and pulled out his phone immediately. You looked at him for a few seconds then just chose to ignore the comment. A few moments later another notification popped up and Matt had just commented on the picture. "Her boyfriend seems to think so." He replied back to the guy. You looked over at him and kissed him on the cheek. "No need to get jealous, baby." You leaned your head on his shoulder and you felt his lips on the top of your head. "I'm yours and only yours. You know that." You sighed happily and he wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you closer to him. "I know, I just like reminding people." You felt him chuckle and you rolled your eyes playfully at him.

Harry : "Can I get you a drink?" The waiter asked the two of you. You looked over at Harry and waited for him to order first. "I'll just get a water." He replied and you looked up at the waiter. "Same." You simply said, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. "Alright." The waiter smiled down at you before walking away from the table. Harry watched as he disappeared into the rest of the restaurant and shook his head. "His eyes were somewhere they shouldn't be." He grumbled, still looking in the direction the waiter had just walked off into. "I doubt that." You denied and Harry finally looked over at you, raising his eyebrows upward. "Right." He leaned back against the chair and you smiled at him. "Even if he was I'm sorry I'm just so hot. I can't help that." You smirked and that caused Harry to laugh at you. "It just comes naturally, right?" "Yes, in fact it does-" You were cut off when the waiter came back with your drinks. "Here you go, beautiful." He placed your cup of water in front of you and gave you a small smile. You smiled in return and picked up your water, taking a sip of it. "What? I don't get a compliment?" Harry asked as the waiter had walked away. You swallowed your water and almost spit it out from laughing. "Harry!" You giggled and he looked over at you and you realized he was not in a happy mood. "What's wrong?" "He's all over you! You're clearly out with me and he doesn't understand that." He growled. His voice was even deeper than it usually is and it was now raspy. You were about to say something when the waiter came back and stood facing you, his back to Harry. "Are you ready to order?" He asked, holding his notepad up. You looked over at Harry who was now fuming. "Not at the moment, but can I ask you something?" You asked him and he nodded his head. "Anything!" "Can you possibly stop trying to be all flirty with me? It's not very professional and on top of that I am happily taken by that boy you are rudely excluding right now." The waiters eyes widened and he looked over at Harry who had a smug smile on his face. He nodded his head extremely fast and walked away from the table. "No need to get jealous." You laughed at Harry and he just sat back smiling at you. After that you got a new waiter and Harry was extremely happy he wasn't trying to hit on you.  

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