Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

“Where ever you are”



I just giggled and walked on to the bus.

The inside was even bigger than the outside.

“Oh. My-“

“Gawd” Noel finished my sentence. Making me jump because she kind of just popped out of nowhere!

“Well ladies, how about a grand tour of the One Direction and 5SOS tour bus?” Harry said.



“Well, let’s get this party started!” Louis yelled as he made hand movements

We all laughed and followed Louis to the back of the first floor.

“We shall start from here and work our way back to da stairs up front” he says while doing a weird dance.

“Weeeeeelll, this is the lounge. Where we… lounge! We play video games and watch movies in here”

He continued and walked out into the bunks.

There were 9 bunks, obviously for one for each of the guys.

“These are the beds, you guys could either take one of our bunks, sleep in the lounge, or sleep upstairs” Niall said to Noel and I.

“Oh no, we don’t want to take your space, we can just find somewhere else” I assured them.

The guys nodded and we continued on our tour.

We walked into where we started.

“This is the kitchen, the fridge is fully stocked, for now.” Liam said and glanced at Niall, which made us all laugh.

“Race you up the stairs” Michael said to all the guys.

As soon as he said that, Michael, Luke, Niall, Calum, Ashton, and Louis were off.

“Well I guess we’re going up stairs now.” Harry said.

He, Liam, and Zayn lead us up the stair, and when we got up there, I gasped once again.

“Up here we have another lounge, bathrooms, and storage” Liam told me.

I just stood in awe at all the amaZAYN stuff. Get it? AmaZAYN! Hahaha… no? Ok.

Paul then came up the stair, “I see you gals like the place! I’m glad. Well we’re heading off now, so try not to fall over as we pull out. Zayn.” He said before going back down stairs.

“ONE TIME PAUL. ONE TIME!” Zayn shouted down the stairs.

“More like four Zayn” Ashton said looking up from his phone.

Zayn shot him a glare and we all laughed.

All the guys went to do their own thing. And by that I mean everyone sitting watching a movie and Niall in the kitchen.

Noel went and sat next to Harry on the floor of the upstairs lounge, leaving me alone.

I felt awkward just standing there, so I decided to go join Niall in the kitchen.

I’m pretty hungry, considering I haven’t eaten since like 10 this morning.

I walked down the stairs into the kitchen to see Niall sitting at the table with random foods in front of him.

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