Part 10

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'' J-Jacob why did you try to take my little brother, especially sense you are my EX-BOYFRIEND! " I shouted at him. How could he do that to my little brother if he loved me!?!? I could tell that he was nervous and guilty.

" Nessie please listen to me I had to! Please don't do this you know I love YOU! " He shouted at me and that is when some werewolf ran at Jake and stopped right infront of him. When the wolf changed into human form it was a girl. She ran at Jake and smashed her lips into his and to my surprise he-he kissed her back!

"JACOB BLACK! HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON MY YOUR MATE THAT IS SO NOT COOL NOR RIGHT! YOU STUPID PLAYER I DON'T KNOW WHY I EVER LOVED YOU-YOUR JUST A STUPID MUT!" I couldn't believe what I said then he turned to me and came at me followed by the girl. He whipped the bloody tears off my face. He picked my chin up and looked me right in the eyes and said.

"I have always loved you and always will but Layla is my-my new mate. Just remember I am doing this to make sure your what I want and this is your time to make sure I'm what you want ok?" he said and it hurt when he kissed me one last time.The kiss had all the love we have ever shared and then Layla pulled him away-well she tried but he continued to kiss me, that was when I felt as if it was time to make sure he was my soul mate.The one I wanna grow old with,the one that will be there with me no matter what.Jake was nice and all but we were very different so maybe this is just right, I hope that he isn't the one I want especially after he has been kissing Layla! As I pulled away he tried to grab me but I just ran backwards,he looked at me with sadness in hhis face but I held back the tears and asked one last question before running off.

"Why did you try to take my brother and why are you doing this to me?" I asked I mean if you loved someone that didn't love then I could see that person letting them go,but when both people love each other why would one person try to see other people?

"Nessie I tried to kill your brother because, if I can't have you no one could but I now see that I can't do anything without hurting us both no matter what I do or try to do!" he said crying himself then Layla for the first time came up to me and grabbed me by my shirt.

"Just leave us alone and no harm will come to us you bloody leach!" she whispered that was when she dropped me so I ran after her.I jumped on her back and pinned her on the ground.She tried to get up but I was to strong for her, she bit my arm but I was to fast and had her in a head lock about to rip her head off.

''NESSIE! CULLEN! LET HER GO RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY IF YOU STILL LOVE JACOB BLACK!" my mother screamed as I was about to let hergo I stopped in my tracks.I looked at all my family members including the little ones so I took a deep breath and said with out letting the mut go.


" DO NOT EVER KISS ME AGAIN WITH YOUR FILTHY LIPS AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN KISSING THAT THING OVER THERE! NOW I AM SURE WHAT I WANT AND WHO I WANT AND IT IS AND WILL NEVER BE YOU EVER AGAIN AS I SHALL LIVE!" I said spitting on him and grabbing the little ones and running to my Mustang put them in and drove off to the shops and was going shopping for the first time in my life willingly.When we were pulling in I saw the most handsome guy on earth,more handsome then jacob. He was with all these guys so I made sure I looked alright and took my little brothers and sisters out of the car they all stared as I got out especially the cute one.He walked up to me and said in a magical voice.

"Hey my name is Brent, Brent Delisous. What is your name and are these kids all yours?" Brent said he was soo cute.He had brown short hair that anyone could run their hand threw with no problem. He had white teeth and he had muscles.

"Oh no they are my little brothers and sisters,and my name is Renessme Cullen, but you can call me Nessie." I said he looked me up and down then back at his guys like he was shy then he said in that magical, deep, sexy voice.

"Um, can I come with you I mean as friends and then maybe along the way we could-'' he was cut off by jacob punching him in the face. I grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to the car and slapped him across the face and screamed

"WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING! I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE NO GO SUCK FACES WITH LAYLA! YOU DON'T DESERVE ME AND YOU NEVE HAVE AND SO LEAVE MA ALONE AND NEVER COME BACK UNLESS I COME TO YOU!" I screamed as tears fell down the only time blood comes down is when I am about to kill. I ran and I felt big arms around and when I looked up I saw dark, chocolately eyes staring at me and that was when I knew that Brent was my soulmate. Then jacob came up and whipped me out of Brent's grasp and smashed our lips to gether but I pushed away from him and brent helped by pulling me back and he was surprisingly stronger then jake so that tells me he is a Vampire.

"YO! DUDE! LEAVE HER ALONE SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU SHE LIKES SOMEONE ELSE!" Brent said looking at me wishing I would say him and his wish was about to come true. I turned jacob to face me and Brent and I pulled brent in and said before crashing our lips together.

"I told you Jake and so did Brent I.Am.Over.You!'' and then I crashed our lips together and there was a HUGE sparker a bigger spark then with Jacob and we had such a good time untill we entered the kids favorite store and that was pretty much the ned of the day and before I left Brent asked me.

" Umm Nessie so are we like a, couple now I mean it is up to you. And I know your a vampire and so am I." he said then i crashed our lips together and we went back to my house with a ton of bags in the car. When we got out I saw my mom run up and hug Brent and said

"Thank you for helping our daughter you guys have out blessings when you get married and Edward also is on his way to give his blessings you to make such a cute couple! And don't worry Ness Alice saw the vision and you two are gonna have a great future!' My mother said but something caught my eye and I saw Layla in a bush with some dude and i am pretty sure i have an idea who, Jacob was talking to my family and I guess everyone except Jake likes Brent and well I hope we have a great life too. We went inside and played with the little kids untill a family meeting was called and i was mad because I saw Jacob there sucking faces with Layla.I ran up and grabbed her hair and pushed out the house then I ran over to jake and hugged him untill we were by the door then he leaned in for a kiss but I leaned back and oushed him out with his scummy girlfriend Layla.

"I said do not come by my house or my family and I exspect that unless MY family INVITES you!" I shouted then slammed the door I felt guilty but as soon as I saw Brent with the guys I was happy and joined them could my day get any better! That's when Brent proposed to me and I said yes as I crashed our lips together and my family going aww and all. That's when we had the family meeting when -

-Hey guys thanks for reading and here is a little throw off I had to change because everyday my vision and compassion changes for this story as I write I feel more dedicated to entertain you guys an I am going to see Breaking Dawn tomorrow! So I will write a chapter about Brent and Nessie's wedding!


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