part 5

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  Oh man what am I gonna do I don't wanna talk to this go or go at it with him I need a plan and fast. I got it. We arrived at the cottage room and I asked " Can I use the bathroom first before we talk? " then he lloked at me like I was stupid " Do you think I was born yesturday I know your gonna go in the bathroom and climb threw the window in there, so that's why i'm gonna go in there and check if there's any windows and while i'm in there i'm gonna go to the bathroom so stay out her little miss! "  " Ok! " so he went into the bathroom as soon as I heard the door close I ran downstairs and out the front door and ran to my dad who had the group of vampires tied up and the wolves untied. " Hunny are you ok, what's wrong? "  " No dad i'm not we didn't do anything because I escapped, we need to leave now he's coming!!"


 All I could think about is what they would go back and tell the Volturi. But I had to get my daughter somewhere safe I can take her to Carlisle's house and ask him. I could have a talk with Jacob and the pack about protection for my beloved daughter. All I have to do is destroy this vampire's group and him and they can't go and tell them nothing. Let's do that I thought to myself. So killed the group of vampires with some help from the wolves then I killed the guy that talked to my daughter the one who said she was beautiful even though I Already knew that.  I waited for him then when I smelled him I started running after him, " TELL YOUR DAUGHTER SHE'S DEAD AND THAT MY GROUP IS GONNA KI- what happened to my group? "  " I killed them and now i'm gonna let you talk to my daughter but you have to talk to here in front of everyone or else you die easy peasy lemon sqeasy! " he thought about it for a moment then grabbed my daughter then when he wasn't looking I ripped his head off and tossed him in the fire with his group. They died as they came, desperate, immature, new borns and I am just lucky that they didn't kill my daughter Renesmme, As soon as that was over I saw my family come prepared and ready to fight! " No need Bella I took care of them no one is hurt but Renesmme she hurt her leg. Someone check her leg please, while I go talk to Jacob. "


I wonder when I should tell Edward about Alice missing. I guess right now. So I walked over to my husband and said " Edward something's wrong. "  he look at me with a worried face. " What is it? "  I looked at him with such a sad expression I dropped to the sand and started crying, my husband was at my side as soon as I fell an to my surprise Jacob to was at my side too. " A- A- ALICE IS MISSING, WHEN YOU GOT OUT OF THE CAR I DROVE TO THE HOUSE AND JASPER TOLD ME SHE WAS MISSING!" the words came out of me as fast I could get the twisted thought out of mind. My husband fell to the ground and put is hands behind his head and started mumbling stuff  that was hurtful to the people that took Alice.

Tell me what you think please let me know I need help on the story so untill I get some commments I'm not postin any more ttyl-kayla

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