Part 8

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Sorry if this chapter starts off confusing. It's because it's the first time Hillary has her part of view. So excited!!


Man I wish I knew where my sister Holly was. She is a Halfling to like me only she's older than me by a year, which makes her 6. Holly kind of looks like me and my brother, like a mixed dog breed. Oh how I love doggies they are so cute and cuddly animals. Speaking of my brother I wonder where he is and if he is with his twin Jonah. How I miss my siblings so bad, hey maybe I can ask mommy and daddy if they will help look for my siblings. Then Uncie Emette, Auntie Rose, Papa,Mema, Edward, and Aunt Bella could have their own kids except for Bell and Edwin will have 2 kids but still I can see in everyone's eyes that they miss Nessie being small and want there own kids. So that would make them all happy. Yes that's it that is what I will do and I'll be able to see my brothers and sisters. OK so here it goes.

" Daddy! Mommy! Come here please A.S.A.P.! '' I blinked and there were my mom an dad.

" Yes baby? " my dad said as he ran to my side with my mom following him like a dog

" Can we go look for my brothers and sisters please? I know they aren't dead because I copied my families powers before I disapppeared, and my brother Logan has the power to locate where ever someone is or is doing and he can see what they are doing at that moment they are doing it. So please it would make me so happy and sense I have 3 older siblings Emette, Rose, Papa, Mema, Edward, and Bella could have their own kids, because everyday I see the pain in everyone's face of how they want their own kids because now that Nessie is all grown up and i'm not gonna stay like this forever. So please?!?! " they thought about it then gave in and said

" Sure baby, but you need to go get changed into your black pants, black shirt, black shoes, with your black hat so you blend in with the dark because we are going at night so it is easier and if we do split up we want you to be proteced ok so go get changed. Ok sweety? " My dad said worried and kind of happy so I copied his gift and calmed him down.

 " Thanks sweetheart I love you. "   " I love you too daddy. " I said then ran into the closet vampire speed and changed and when I came my parents started laughing and then the whole came in and laughed so hard they were ALL on the floor,

" What's so funny! " I demanded then Nessie laughed and said

" Go... Tak-....Take a lo-.. Look in the- the.... MIRROR!!! " Nessie said cracking up so I did as she said and saw I put everything on backwards and I fell to the floor crying too.


" TANYA PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO US WE DON'T KNOW WHERE OUR PARENTS ARE AND WHERE THE JEWEL IS!! " My brother cried as as his twin was punched in the face with a whip that left him bleeding. I started to cry too when she did that to my brother, and to put my brother and I threw this was just to much so I looked Tanya dead in the eye and said


" YOU STUPID LITTLE THING! LINGUINI HAPPENS TO BE MY CREATOR SO WHY WOULD HE TAKE THE RUBY THAT HOLDS THE STRONGEST POWER IN THE WORLD THAT YOUR LITTLE SISTER HILLARY HAPPENS TO HAVE!? WHY DONT YOU TELL ME THAT YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH!! Tanya screamed at me and I started to cry at my little sister's name I missed her so much and I know Logan and Jonah do too. I whispered into their minds and said

" We have to get out of here and go find our little sister and warn whoever she is with and her about Tanya's plan and then we have to find the cullens and ask them for help or else it will be to late and Tanya will have already destroyed the ruby that holds Hills power and Hill will die causing us to commit suicidal actions! " I thougth ludly so they could feel my anger, and pain in me

" I know I miss her too. But we need you to be strong delilah. I have a plan but we need Logan's power and yours to find Hill. " Jonah thought as he started crying in pain at the memory of Hillary being tooken away from us right in front of our eyes. Logan started screaming in pain out on no where then I realized that Ryan Tanya's soul mate was using his power to bring back the pain when Hillary was tooken away from Logan's arms and knocked out and shoved in a sack and tooken away.

 " LEAVE HIM ALONE! IT'S BAD ENOUGH HE STILL REMEMBERS THE MEMORY ALL HE NEEDS IS TO FEEL THE PAIN AGAIN HE FELT THAT DAY FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME! YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY TO TOTURE 3 LITTLE 6 YEAR OLDS AND LAUGH AT THEM RIGHT IN THEIR FACES WHEN THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE STUPID JEWEL YOUR LOOKING FOR! " i screamed at him making him stop and look at me with so much anger and the next minute I knew I was watching my parents burn to the ground and my little sister being thrown into a tree and shoved into the sack and carried off to who knows where.

" PLEASE! AHHHHHH! THIS HURTS sO MUCH PLEASE STOP I CAN'T BREATHE! " I cried as I felt the air in my lungs slowly start to get empty and empty untill I started felling blackness fill my eyes when suddenly a man tackled Ryan to the ground and ripped his head off. Then all the pain went away and I felt air come back in my lungs.

" GET AWAY FROM THOSE INNOCENT LITTLE KIDS YOU IMMATURE MOSTER! " the man screamed at Tanya as he jumped on her back and knocked her out cold. Then I saw my little sister come from behind the short little pixie like women and came running towards me with tears filling her eyes.

" HOLLY! JONAH! LOGAN! YOU GUYS ARE ALIVE. I KNEW IT! " she cried as she hugged me and unlocked me from bars and watched me fall to the ground, and the same thing was done to my brothers by the women and man.

" HILLARY! I'M SO GLAD YOUR ALIVE! And who are they? " I asked as she hugged my brothers and I.

" Oh they are my mom and dad. They found me on the ledge off a cliff and rescued me and adopted me as their daughter and they have brothers and sisters and parent s that want to adopt you guys as their kids. So that's why we came to find you guys so we could be reunited and have our own parents! " she said sounding so excited.

" OK as long as I have an older sister. " I said as I felt the pain come back and then I realized Tanya was using her back up gift that Ryan had which brought back the pain I felt only 100x worst so the man grabbed me and my brother Jonah while the woman grabbed my sister and brother Logan and ran off with us. We arrived at a beautiful house that was all glass, well mostly glass but still beautiful. We walked in and everyone was starring at us then they got up and ran to us and greeted us. But then I realized someone didn't get up which was fine with me just why? Then it hit me, the smell was revolting then that's when I realized it was a werewolf. I growled and got into a crouch wondering if my brothers were doing the same thing and they were.

" What is a MUTT doing here! " I growled as the man grabbbed  a hold of me as the buff man did the same to the wolf. I felt myself tug and jump at the wolf when I was grabbed around the waist and pulled back by some other guy.

" HOLLY STOP IT THAT'S JUST JACOB HE WON'T DO NOTHING! " Hillary cried as soon as she said that I calmed down and so did my brothers. Welooked at each other then to Hillary then back to Jacob then we agreed to calm down and sat down on the floor huddled in a group crying that we don't have parents.

'' WE JUST WANT OUR OWN PARENTS!! " we all cried together then the man named Edward said

" Well we wanted to adopt the kid named Logan, only if he wanted to. '' he said Logan ran to his new father and said

" I do. Please adopt me I wanna be your son! " he cried then they pulled out the adoption form and signed it and introduced him to his new sister

 " OH MY GOSH I HAVE A NEW LITTLE BROTHER! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH HE IS SO CUTE! " Nessie screamed in joy then she ran up to her room and gave Logan a new outfit she made herself in designer class in school.

" Who wants to adopt me? " Jonah saidd then after he said that Emette screamed

" WE DO! WE DO! Can we Rose baby please!?!? " He asked she shoock her head yes and signed the form and hugged her new son.

" What about me? " I said as tears filled my eyes then the nice lady Esme said.

'' We do my darling, we will and want too " she said as she signed then pulled me into a embrace foolowed by my new dad Carlisle. When all of a sudden there was a knock on thedoor and then---------



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