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victoria sat sleeping on the train from busan to seoul. she was having her normal dream that to others may sound a bit weird. in the dream, she was riding a unicorn. yes, a unicorn. the unicorn galloping in a field of greenery.

the train abruptly stopped, making victoria jolted in her seat. wincing and touching her head from the sudden impact of hitting her head to the seat in front.

she grabbed hold of her luggage, wore her bag pack and stepped out the train. the cool summer breeze welcomed her. she smiled excitedly. this is a new chapter for her.

after an hour of getting lost and trying to find the right direction, victoria finally got to her destined destination. she was standing in front of a tall apartment building. victoria took in a deep breathe before going I the building, getting in the elevator and pressing the 6th floor.

reaching the 6th floor, victoria looked for the door number 17. she hurried herself when she spotted the number. she knocked it a couple of times before the shuffling of feet and a loud groan was heard.

the door opened slightly. a head popped out, revealing a half asleep boy. his eyes squinted when he saw victoria.

"who the hell are you to awake me from my beauty sleep?" the boy asked in an annoyed tone.

the boy did intimidate victoria, but nonetheless she still gave him swarm smile.

"hi, i'm victoria. your new roommate."

before victoria could continue talking, the boy slammed the door shut. leaving a very confuse victoria outside the door.

author's note : i really hope this is good enough.

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