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they've ordered their food, and now they're doing everything except talking to each other. the only sound that was visible was the chitter chatter of other customers, immersed in their own conversation.

victoria was scanning the room, making sure to look at every small detail of the restaurant. she could feel yoongi's piercing stare on her. she felt utterly uncomfortable. victoria tried to look anywhere else but him.

the sky took victoria's attention, looking up, a cluster of stars could be seen. sparkling in the sky, helping to bright the darkness. a smile was unknowingly plastered on her face.

from the other side of the table, yoongi couldn't help but smile too when he saw victoria. his stomach starts to churn. butterflies were fluttery in all different directions. he look up, curious on what exactly made victoria smiled so brightly. when he looked up, he found the sky beautiful. as beautiful as victoria.

"they're beautiful"

"but not as beautiful as you"

victoria could feel her cheeks starting to turn the colour of bright pink. she felt flustered at his sudden compliment — fanning her self with both of her hands, trying to cool down.

yoongi chuckled at her actions, he thought she was cute. heck everything she does is cute. yoongi had a very hard time trying to peel his gaze away from victoria. everytime he looks somewhere else, his eyes would always — somehow lingers to her. she was like a magnet. yoongi was the negative while she was the positive. and together, they are attracted to one another — no matter how hard they try not to.

the food arrived and they devoured it within seconds, occasionally asking one another how their food taste. and that's the only conversation they had throughout the evening.

victoria insisted on paying the bills but yoongi, being the gentlemen he is declined her offer. this actions when on for a couple of minutes before victoria got tired and just nodded her head.

victoria was already heading out when yoongi's soft hand wrapped them around her wrist. she turn around, facing him with a confused look. yoongi smiled, "let's have s walk there" he pointed his index fingers to the park in front of the restaurant.

victoria nodded.

in the middle of the park was a huge man-made lake. huge trees were places throughout the place. even-though it was almost 11 o'clock, people was still here in the park. some were having a late night jog, families having picnics and couples just walking on the pathway.

without a second though, yoongi intertwined his fingers with victoria's and started walking on the pathway too. victoria froze as she felt yoongi's cold fingers against hers. they were walking aimlessly, enjoying the beautiful view of the night sky.

as they were walking, yoongi spotted a huge oak tree. on the branches were little lanterns, still lit. he quickly dragged victoria, stopped when they were under the tree.

"victoria, i need to tell you something"

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