Chapter six:Vodka that's what happen

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Chapter six: Vodka that's what happen


"Please not today Styles."

See the teacher has no humor at all. She's so boring. This class is so quiet you could even hear people breathing yea huh it's that scary.

The bell finally rang and I was about to run out when the devil pull me back in.

"Styles I need to talk to you."

"Yes'm Johnson?" I smiled back politely.

She gave me a warm smile back. Alright she's pretty and to young to be a teacher. Okay she's not always boring its just that studies are coming in and now she's serious which is kind of scary.

"Styles I don't know how to tell you this but are you having trouble in this class." She said rubbing her temples.

I should totally hook up Mrs.Johnson with my dad they'll look so cute together.

"Styles please listen to me."

How doe her curls look so perfect looking while mine looks like poop everyday. I basically look like a bird nest walking.

"Styles your dad is behind you."

I woke up to reality and turn around not seeing me dad at all. "Sorry I was just thinking ma'am umm yea Im totally know what's happening in this class." I said, what class is this?

She gave me a hard look. "If so what are we learning Annalise." She smiled putting her paper work in the cabinets.

"Uh math duh like c'mon-" I got cut of by her putting hand up.

"This is English Annalise I'd email your dad and you'll be coming to tutoring every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday." She smiled.

"FRIDAY! BUT THAT'S TODAY!" I shouted, does this lady realized I have a life at home.

"Starting next week Annalise if you don't come then you're going to Saturday school for two semesters. Anyways you should be happy your grade will get up." She said getting up.

"Only because I hadn't turn any of my packets in." I said in a obvious way.

She smiled. "I know you'll be doing them when you have tutoring." She said.

I sigh and left her class seeing my dad with Luke. Why is he in their? Am I getting my period I'm so rude today and whining.

"Dad could we go home now I'm so starving." I said throwing myself in the car.

He chuckled. "When are you not." He said driving off home.

I smiled and put my head on the window feeling tired. I closed my eyes and went to sleep hearing my dads muffle talks.


"Annalise we should go!"

"Penny no it's a horrible idea."

I sigh and went more under my covers. Ever since I woke up she been begging me to go with her to some party that I don't want to go.

"Annalise had you ever been to a party?" Penny said looking through my closet throwing cloths at me.

"Yes Penny I have been to a part before it's just that-"

"Annalise your going to that party either you like or not." Ella said smiling.

I groan. "Fiiiiine I'll go happy now." I said making them tackle for a hug.

I put on some decent cloths and added a little bit of make up. Well its only Mascara and black eyeshadow. I don't do heavy make up.

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