Chapter eight: Captain

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Chapter Nine: Captain!


"Aye aye captain!"

Ever since the power went off my dad been trying to light up on one candle for ages now and to think of it he's dumber then I thought.

"Hey Annalise! We're all going to hang here for awhile," Aunt Hannah said walking by me. "And where's your father?"

I pointed at the living room and she took off after that. I gave Uncle Niall a hug, I love his Horan Hugs.

"Where's Harold?"

"Still trying to light up the same candle for like hours now but I bet Aunt Hannah help him with that." I smiled, when I look behind me I saw Penny and Josh, why were they whispering?

"Um why are you guys whispering?" I said giving them a questioning look.

The last thing I wanted is them talking smack behind my back because pretty sure I had enough of that back in boarding school.

"We'll umm I'm going to help mum and dad....Penny didn't you'd had something really important to tell Annalise?" Josh never said my full name, only when he's dam serious.

I look at Penny who smiled nervously when Josh walk away. "Um Anna how should I say you remember anything from last night? Like anything at all?" Penny said clapping her hands together.

"Finally someone is telling me! Jesus I kept telling my dad what happen but he kept ignoring me....but then Jaisy was going to I think? Oh we'll but now tell me!" I said dragging her to the kitchen.


"OTAY! OLD MAN, I MEAN OLD POPS!" I screamed back finding more small candles in a cabinet. I hand some to Penny since she could do something useful for once.

"Okay I'm just going to say it straight out-"

"C'mon it can't be that bad Penny just say it." I smiled at her.

She took a deep breathe and look at me straight in the eye. "You kiss Luke...."

I stared at her wide eyes and cover my mouth. "HAHAHAHA!!!! That's a good one Penny but c'mon babe tell me the truth." I said picking up the candles I'd drop.

"What ever don't believe me, I'll be at the living room with everyone else." Penny said taking all the candles away from me and started heading off leaving me all by self in the....dark.

I freaking hate the dark for so many reasons, I don't know why but every times it's dark I always think of something scary!

I made myself a quick sandwich and open a soda pop to drink. I heard some footsteps coming in but didn't bother to look up because I'm way to focus on my sandwich which came out not crappy.

"Hey Annalise? Could we talk about what happen last night?"

I look up to meet light glowing green eyes that girl would die in a instant but somehow I kept my cool. "Uhh what happen? Actually please tell me what's happen yesterday because it was a huge blur." I said before taking a big bite of my sandwich.

"We umm sorta of kiss....but it was you who attack me first since you were drunk like I don't blame you at all Anna-"

I cut him off by giving him another peck on the lips so he could shut up already. But the funny thing is I enjoy it. I guess I owe Penny something since she wasn't joking at all.

"Do me a favor and shut up okay." I smiled at him going back to my sandwich.

"Uhh umm y-ya sure." He said with a smile starting to play on his lips which look really cute on him.

I just laugh and finish my sandwich, then went to see how many candles my dad did for the past hour or so.

"Uncle Niall! Could you please order some pizza I'm so hungry!" I shouted then threw my self on the couch but heard a loud groan when I landed on something hard.

"Annalise please be careful we don't want your dad ending up in the hospital like last time when he couldn't open the Nutella jar." Aunt Hannah said with a big smile. Why is she so darn beautiful?

"What happen?" I said raising one eyebrow up. Why did I had to kiss Luke to make him shut up, everything is going to be aqua awkward now.

"The Nutella jar end up beating him up, it was so hilarious because the jar was on kids protection." Niall said trying to not laugh out loud in front of my dad.

"Ah shut up and you shouldn't be talking because remember how some little girl beat you up for that last pizza! Yea huh that's right I remember!" My dad pointed at him with a huge smile which kind of look creepy since its dark.

We all stared entertain, waiting for Niall for his comeback. "What ever! She had a bat and her scary mother!" Niall said crossing his arms like a little boy.

Hannah slap his head. "Hey that was my sister!" Aunt Hannah said giving Niall a kiss on the cheek.

"Um ew please don't before you guys start going any further then that." Penny said while Josh cover our eyes. But whose covering his eyes?

"Luke where's ya parents at?" Uncle Niall said playing with my dads hair.

What the fuck? I have like the weirdest family ever. Oh we'll some how I'm weird too and I don't blame them at all.

He just gave a innocent smile. "I left them, my dad started to panic because we ran out of-"

"Carrots" everyone chorus and laugh.


"What's this?" Penny look at me with a funny look then back to the chocolate with strawberries.

"Seeing that you were right about the 'Luke' thing, I think I owe you something for not believing you." I smiled, shoving the plate close to her.

She look at the plate then me. People always give me this look of 'should I believe her?' but I don't blame her at all, I'm a real bitch at times.

"C'mon just take it before I change my mind Penny and your parents left this morning since they don't love you!" I shouted closing he door.

"HEEEEY!" She yelled behind the door.

I walk downstairs seeing my dad cooking and gave him a big hug. "We'll isn't someone happy." He said handing my big plate of pancakes with wipe cream.

"Morning daddy and what are we doing today? You know what we should go somewhere no here in this rat cage." I smiled then shoved the pancakes in my mouth.

He let out a sigh and say besides me. "Then your back," he chuckle. "I don't know I'm going down to the studios want to come with?"

"Aren't you down with that signing crap- I mean crabs- like your turdy years old?" I said adding more whip cream on my pancakes then dip my strawberries to the cream.

"Annalise stop eating so much whip cream, eat the pancakes instead."

I rolled my eyes and went back to eating since I knew I wasn't going to get a straight answer from him.

Authors note:

Hey guise! In really sorry I hadn't updated for ages! :( also I won't be updating for awhile now.

1) school is being a pain in the ass since sophomore year seems harder then I thought.

2) I'd been studying also for my exams which I kinda did perfect on two week ago. But hey I'm not getting any SUMMER SCHOOL!

3) my friend she needs me the most right now since she in the stage of depression again.

4) I'm also sick but not coughing sick I meant like 'throwing up' every few hours and its awful since it feels like life just gave up on me.

5) I'm not sure if any of you read 'the mortal instruments; city if bones' but my favorite character died in the second novel. SIMON DIED! ( the most depressing thing to read in a story. )

Well I hope you guys had a awesome Christmas and please be safe! Remember don't kiss a boy because you will DIE!

-Faith Horan ;)

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