Chapter 13.

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Ch. 13

I sat across my dad, of course I am still butt hurt of him not saying hello to me. Did I do something wrong? Is he mad at me, because I am leaving with Aunt Lily?

"I found the waterme- who is this?" Josh ran in the kitchen holding up two watermelons. Right behind Josh is Luke who crash to the doorway.

Instead of helping him, I ended up laughing my ass off causing everyone to give me weird looks. But I stop right away. "Oh shit, Luke are you okay?" I got from the stool helping him up

"Annalise you cuss."

I turn around seeing my dad putting his hand out. Waiting for me to hand him a pound but instead I disobey. So this is how he is going to talk to me. Although the lights are still off, I can feel the cold stare that my dad is giving me. Strange, right?

"This is Julian, my best friend. We met from that boarding school, he was my only friend there since all the girls hated me." I smiled. For some reason I am proud that my dad did send me there or I would of never met Julian.

"Interesting," Josh stare at Julian. "Hello, my name is Josh, this is Luke. Lay one hand on Annalise I will kill you." Josh said. Once again he is being over protective as if he is my older brother.

I stood there with wide eyes, feelings my cheeks getting warm. Only if he actually knew that we once hook up. Julian shake his head from to left to right. "Of course not, I see her as a sister. Pssh, no. We would never like mak-" I elbow his stomach so he can stop talking.

I turn around facing everyone, of course they weren't listening to the teenagers talking. I felt someone dragging me out of the kitchen. Once I face to Luke, my anxiety wash off.

"Dammit, Luke. What now?"

He rolled his blue and mix green eyes at me. "Can we talk to each other nice for once, styles? Since this is your last week in London, we were wondering if you would love to go to this dashing place." Luke said, stuffing his hands into his leather jacket.

I tilt my head, rocking on my heels. "Did you just say, dashing? I really don't know, Tomlinson, depends really?" I give him a mocking smile.

"There will be pizza..also other kinds of foods you love." He sang poking my cheek playfully.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, lets do this party thing what ever it is!" I shouted making him laugh.


"Ya! The lights are back on! Let's see f'the football game is still on the roll! Get it, roll, because the football only rolls." Niall laugh at his own joke.

"Shut up, you." Uncle Liam throw his arm around Uncle Niall shoulder making him more laugh. They are always playful to each other. Make me wanna puke sometimes.

I turn around facing Julian with a smile. "Does your Aunt knows you are here? Oh, you should stay over at my house!" I jump from stool with excitement but sat back down from the dizziness.

"Nah, she is always at work ya know." He scratch his neck. "She is never home, it sucks." Julian bit his lower lip.

I wrap my arms around his neck. "I understand, I do." I said but ended smiling at him because I hate seeing my friends or family cry.

I got startle once I notice my dad knocking on the door. Great, if he heard that I am going to shoot myself. The only reason why is that he will feel bad, but it's true he is never their for me. Julian felt awkward when my dad give him a hand shake.

I, myself felt awkward how my dad is introducing himself to my best friend. "Annalise, we should go home now. Julian, ya staying for the night?" My dad give him a hard look making his lip to a straight line.

Julian, nodded his head. "Yes, sir. My aunt isn't home and I don't have the keys. I am sorry for intruding, Mr. Styles." I look Julian with wide eyes. Never in my years knowing have I ever heard him being polite.

"It's alright boy."

I stood there, what just happen? For a moment I thought he was going To say something rude but no he was nice? I raise an eyebrow to Julian, he shrug and follow me dad.

By the time we got home I grab Julian hand, practically dragging him as a doll that I never had. "This is my cave room! It is messy but my friend Hannah clean most of it up!" I jump on my bed, giggling at nothing.

"Still the same loser, I see." He joke, showing off his perfect white teeth. I throw a pillow at his direction but he ended up catching it.

"Annalise Styles, come down here!" I rolled my eyes, hearing my dad shouts, saying my full name. Guessing he does not know of me having a middle name. Before I left the room, I turn on the tv for Julian.

I jog to my dad room, which I never been to till this day. Well I have but not recently. I stand by his doorway, knocking on his door so he knows I am here. My dad never smiles, he does but not when he is around me. He only smiled when I left that crapy boarding school.

"So...Jaisy and I are no longer together." My dad said very serious but I though a whole different thing.

"Oh! Finally! Yes, dad we can get drunk right now! You and I, we can make it to the bar still!" I sang out loud using the same tone as my dad band song, it was You and I. Cute song also.

Not to mention how Uncle Niall hair did look like on that video. I laugh all the time, because he said he was going through this "phase". Phase of what? Hair phase. Making that to a hashtag.

My dad cover his mouth, debating on laughing or not. "Annalise, this is serious. No, we are not going to go-" my dad voice went down hearing a doorbell ring through the whole house.

I check my phone, it's nearly midnight. "Dad, what if it's a zombie? Uncle Ashton is right! Also Uncle Calum, oh no! Dad, wait they told me to call them when the day comes-" my dad cover my mouth.

"Zombies are not real. It's only a human being, okay? Now go to your room with that weird friend of yours."

I nodded my head, running to my door nearly tripping but caught myself before I fell. "Julian we are going to die!" I panic.

He give me a startled look. "Destiny, shut up I have been wanting to tell you something." He patted the empty space next to him.

"Julian, this better be good then zombies coming to eat e'brains out."

He let out a small chuckle. "Look at that, being surrounded by British people are giving you a taste of an accent, babe." He poke my nose making me scrunch it up.

"Julian." I whined.

"Okay, all I want to tell you is that-" before he can finish his sentence someone burst my door open. Making me scream out murder and throwing my show face.

I cover my mouth. "Dad, I am so sorry- get out of my way, dad! Uncle Ash, Mikey, and Calum! Speak of the devils, I was talkin bout ya guys early!" I brought them to a group hug.

"Band hug with Harry adorable daughter."

"Oh stop it, I know." I laugh. Finally letting go of the group hug, I introduce Julian to my uncles. Well we aren't blood related or anything but since they have been their since I was kid so I see them as Uncles.

Than I notice something. "To much boys in my room!" I grab my dad up and pushing all of them out. Except, Julian.

I turn, facing him. "So, Julian, what were you going to tell me?" I said, laying my head on his thighs. Looking up at him with a smile.

"Nothing, just that- Annalise, does your dad knows the fact that we made out before? Or your middle? Oh ya, don't forget...that you are bisexual." He hush whisper making me sat up straight.

I cover his mouth. "Please, Julian give me a few weeks, okay?" I said with begging eyes.

He nodded his head. "Okay," he rub his temple. "I just don't want him to freak on you okay. I am only protecting you, Annalise." Julian said very seriously since he said my full name.

A/N: what?! Two updates in one week! Can I get an HELL YEA! Also I want to update before my birthday party since I am busy right now.

Question: what do you think so far? Do you know who her uncles are that burst into her room? Julian? Aunt Lily?

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