The Silence - Bastille FanFic

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Rosey's POV

7:45Sitting in my room I stared in the mirror. I hated what I saw, dead straight brown hair framed a pale face. Exactly the same shade as my eyes, my tiny microscopic brown eyes. No matter how many times I looked in the mirror, it was always the same. Always the same brown hair, white face and minute brown eyes. At that moment I wished more than anything I had blue eyes. Blue eyes were so much better. This made me think of Dan Smith, the lead singer of my absolute favourite band ever! His eyes were very blue.

Sighing I quickly applied some mascara and lip gloss before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs.

It was Friday morning and the week had lasted a year. Exactly a week after my eighteenth birthday and I still felt like the same old Rosey I had always been. My parents sat at either end of the kitchen table, each a newspaper in hand and a cup of tea in front of them. Saying my goodbyes I left through the front door.

Outside I plugged myself into my earphones and was lost in Dan Smith's angel vocals and kyle, will and woody's amazing instrumental! Laura Palmer filled my head as I strolled down the road.

Outside the house across the road was quite a large crowd of people and a few moving vans. The people seemed to be gathered around something... Or someone. I craned my head to look but gave up, I had to get to college and at this point it didn't matter.


Walking the opposite way down my road on my way back from school I was once again lost in Bastille with oblivion playing in my ears. Casually looking across the road I saw a familiar looking figure leaving the house I had seen surrounded that morning. He was tall and skinny with wild spikey hair. I couldn't quite work out who he was. A minute or so later I realised I had been staring directly had him as he walked along awkwardly, completely aware of my eyes following him. He stopped, and smiled. Embarrassed I turned away. From the corner of my eye I saw him lift a hand and wave at me! I felt like dying as I shyly smiled at him before hurrying up the steps and in to my house. It only dawned on me how I knew him, as I slammed the door behind me. I couldn't believe I hadn't realised: it was Dan Smith! Dan Smith had waved at me! Dan Smith had been on my road!

I wanted to go out and see him but I knew it was a bit creepy and I would just go all fangirl on him. Anyway, I had to go to the stables. I recently got a new horse (early 18th present)! A bay Selle Francais (a French breed) who I named Bastille or Bas for short! I've been riding since Before I could walk and am begging to do a lot more competitive riding.

I jogged upstairs to change in to my riding stuff before going down to the kitchen for a snack.

Grabbing my boots I was out the door again!


After an hour jumping session, mucking out, grooming Bastille and a tube journey I was just turning on to my road when I walked straight in to somone...

"I am so sorry!" I exclaimed as i backed off.

"It was my fault, sorry I should look where I'm going," a very familiar voice replied.

Looking up I almost died. The first thing my eyes registered was none other than the hair of Dan Smith!

"Oh.. My.. God!!! Da..dan, I'm.. A huge fan.. Oh my god!" I had lost all ability to use words.

"Aha, yes I'm dan. You look familiar.. Have we met?" Dan smiled awkwardly looking at his converse.

Suddenly I was very aware of my riding boots, helmet hair and horse odour. "No.. I wish! Well I- I think I saw you earlier..." I stammered.

"That's it! Your the girl who was staring at me!" He laughed.

I felt my cheeks burn. "Yeah that was me... Sorry about that." It was my turn to look away awkwardly.

"Sorry about what? It's okay, it's more than okay" He looked at me his eyes studying my face.

I looked up and found myself staring in to Dan Smith's eyes, they were crystal clear, kind, intense and the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Standing there for a moment I didn't know what to do. Neither of us said anything, it felt like a day passed as I looked in to his eyes and felt him returning the stare. Feeling self-conscious I looked at my boots. Dan's all stars were almost touching them.

My phone fell to the ground, I'd been holding it in my hand whilst listening to Bastille. My earphones came unplugged and music blared out.

"It is not enough to be dumbstruck;

(Can you fill the silence?)

you must have the words in that head of yours.

And oh, oh, can you feel the silence?

I can't take it anymore,

'cause it is not enough to be dumbstruck.

(Can you fill the silence?)"

"You like Bastille?" Dan's face lit up, finally filling the Silence.

I nodded vigorously. "Yes! They're- I mean you're amazing! I'm kind of obsessed... Is that creepy? I have all your songs on my phone, I'm kinda listening to them constantly...

Dan's POV


Walking around the corner of our new road I bumped in to this girl. She was gorgeous. She had brown hair in a messy pony tail with strands escaping and framing her perfect face. Her brown eyes danced as she talked. She was also a stormer! I didn't want to leave her, I wanted to get to know her!

"...I actually can't believe I'm standing here, talking to Dan Smith! I'm sorry, you must get this a lot! I'm such a fangirl!" She laughed, her cheeks turning scarlet.

"Stop apologising.. Your amazing.. Er I mean, It's amazing, to meet someone who likes our music, it's crazy!" I began to feel awkward, she seemed so great I just wanted to tell her how I felt but it was crazy... We only just met! "What's your name?"


"Rosey, that's such a nice name!" I grinned, I really like it, it suited her.

"Thanks!" She smiled shyly.

"Do you horse ride by any chance?" I nodded to her riding boots.

"Yeah, I have a horse." She replied.

"Aw! That's great!" I could imagine her riding, she seemed like the kind of person who'd excel at anything they tried.

I saw her looking at me, her perfect red lips in a small smile.

"Do you live around here?" I asked, I already knew the answer. I'd seen her going into a house earlier, opposite our new house.

"Yeah, just down that road."

"Really? Me and the guys, the rest of Bastille, just moved in to a house there!"

"That's crazy! I think I saw you moving in this morning! I was wondering why there were so many people!" She exclaimed

"Aha yeah. News travels fast, paparazzi have already found our new address." I sighed, I would never get used to paparazzi.

"It must be tough," she looked genuinely sympathetic, not "oh poor little pop star you have to put up with people obsessing over you daily, must be terrible!" Fake sympathy. I was really starting to like her.

"What are you doing tonight Rosey?" I asked her looking down at my worn red converse.

"Umm.. TV, food, sleep.. Pretty much it." She laughed, pushing loose hair behind her ears.

"Would you like to come over? I mean we've just moved in and will probably just end up ordering pizza. But you could come and hang out.. If you like?" I asked in one breath, I really hoped she could.

"Sounds great... Are you sure? Would the others mind?" She sounded excited.

"Of course they won't! They're great guys, they'll love you!" I was really happy she wanted to! She seemed so sweet and I really wanted to get to know her better...

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