[02] the twins

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  MAGGIE TOOK HIS HAND daintily, shaking it. "Maggie." She replied, and Peter flashed a grin at her. "You've got a strong grip." He noted, and Maggie immediately pulled her hand away, alarmed. Did he think she was weird for having a good handshake? Was that not a normal thing for people to have accumulated by this age?

  Peter must have noticed her uneasiness, because his smile faded. "I didn't mean it in a bad way, it's kind of cool-" He began nervously, but stopped when Mrs. Adams, their teacher, cleared her throat loudly. Maggie looked away from the boy, her face flushing. All this attention to her already and she hadn't even been here five minutes. 

  You're so stupid, Magnolia. Why did you think anyone would be interested in meeting you? You're weird, and ugly, and soon he'll find out about the voices. Just like everyone does. 

  Maggie knew the voices were going to return. Knew her inner monologue was going to continue without hesitation, making her feel worse and worse as the minutes ticked by. She knew this Peter boy wasn't special. The voices had definitely ceased around him, but not for long. 

As the day went on, Maggie discovered she had every single class with Peter. Luckily for Maggie, they didn't sit next to each other in the rest of their shared classes. Trudging into biology, her final period of the day, she hoisted her backpack up on her shoulders and slumped down in a seat, rubbing her temples. She rested her head on the cool surface of the desk and was determined to stay that way for the rest of the class, until she felt a presence beside her.

Looking up, she saw two people who were startlingly identical to each other, occupying the two empty seats alongside her. The boy and girl, who must've been twins, were looking at her curiously, similar looks upon their faces. When they saw her looking at them, the boy flashed a pearly white smile, while the girl scooted a little closer to Maggie.

These twins are eccentric. Don't be friends with them.

But Maggie did something that shocked both her and the voice in her head. She mustered up her courage, and ignored the voice in her head. "Hello." She spoke out, her voice hoarse from barely talking all day. "Hi!" They replied in unison, and then glared at each other. "We're twins," They said in unison again, and the boy sighed heavily while the girl shook her head.

They both had bright blue eyes and dark jet-black hair, the same goofy smile plastered on their shared face. The girl, her hair tied back in a wisp of a braid, stretched out her hand eagerly, a shy look suddenly passing over her face. What was it with all these people at this school wanting to shake hands? What is this, the 40's? Maggie shook the thoughts away quickly, scrunching up her face and putting up a wall between her and the nastiness inside her head. She shook hands for the second and third time that day, both with the girl, who introduced herself as Rachel, and the boy, who said his name was Alex.

I made friends. And you didn't stop me from doing it. Suck it. This time, the thoughts in Maggie's head were her own.

Maggie spent the first ten minutes of class doubling over with laughter and sharing random facts with her newfound friends. If any of the kids from her old school in Boston came into the classroom at any given moment, they wouldn't have recognized the happy, smiling Maggie. Their biology teacher told the class to settle down, and as Maggie pulled out her crisp new notebook, she heard nine words that made the thoughts return without hesitation.

"Ah, Mr. Parker. You've finally decided to join us." He's back. That boy, the one you have every class with, he's back, Maggie, but you can't talk to him. He's a stalker. Why else would he share all your classes? Don't talk to him. He'll never like you. He's too smart for that.

Maggie glanced up cautiously. There he was- the boy from first period. The first person at this school who'd introduced themselves to Maggie, who'd been kind and nice and polite but- but her thoughts didn't approve of him, so neither could she.

"Just take a seat next to uhm- that young lady there." The teacher told Peter, not knowing Maggie's name and simply gesturing towards her. "You have got to be kidding me." Maggie grumbled under her breath, glaring down at her notebook. Rachel whisper-asked if she was okay, but Maggie waved her off, saying she was fine.

You're far from fine. You're a liar, Magnolia Hamilton.

Peter looked awkwardly at Maggie, sitting down in an apprehensive manner and fumbling for his science notebook. "Hi again." He tried to say, but Maggie looked the other way, to Alex and Rachel. Rachel looked at her new friend with concern, while Alex shot Peter a nasty look. The look was slight, quick, and most people wouldn't have caught it. But Peter wasn't "most people", and he saw the look, despite wishing he hadn't.

Maggie wondered why the voices didn't approve of Peter Parker. Peter wondered why this new girl didn't want anything to do with him. Without meaning to, both sighed at the exact same moment, shot startled glances at each other, and then looked away, cursing at themselves internally.

It was going to be a long year. 

a/n: yikes sorry that kind of sucked!! there isn't much action with peter and maggie yet (ship names? peggie? idk lmao) bUT yeah i felt like this chapter was really boring and im sorry again. also i changed the fc! it used to be karen gillan but now it's birdy. i'm quite indecisive lol. 

i promise the next chapter will have something...interesting...in it :)) 

meanwhile tell me what y'all think, and i hope u enjoyed it!! 

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