[05] the spider-boy

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A MONTH HAD PASSED since the disastrous time Maggie had spent in Peter Parker's apartment, before he'd basically dismissed her without another thought. Peter had grown silent throughout the duration of time passed, not only towards her, but to virtually everyone, besides one person whom Maggie recognized as his best friend, Harry Osborn. She dreaded having to sit next to Peter, a long and awkward silence surely anticipated each and every time.

In the meantime, Harry Osborn had taken it upon himself to strike up a friendship with Maggie; Maggie had no idea why, but she let it happen with little objection. The voices had quieted, still there, but hardly bothering her. A part of her missed Peter, but she had to remind herself she'd only known him for a month, and spoken to him twice, and there was no real reason to miss him.

Standing by her locker with Rachel, the subject of a particular party was brought up. "Rachel, I told you, I wasn't invited." Maggie reminded her best friend, growing increasingly impatient at the number of times the damn party had been brought up to her.

What happened next could only have been described as a coincidence. It couldn't have been anything else. "Hey, Maggie, I think I forgot to invite you to the party I'm throwing tonight. If you could make it, that would be really cool." Harry Osborn appeared out of nowhere, leaning against Maggie's locker, a small smirk on his face. Rachel, who stood behind Harry, began jumping up and down silently, mouthing 'YES!!' and shooting Maggie a thumbs-up.

He forgot about you, all until last minute. That's what happened with Peter Parker.

Maggie forced a smile and nodded shyly, thanking him for the invite. The boy walked away, catching up with a few of his friends as Rachel let out a small high-pitched squeal. "Did that- really just happen? Or am I imagining things? He likes you, he likes you, oh my goodness, I-" Maggie slapped a hand to her friend's mouth, shutting her up.

"Be quiet. He didn't even invite me until last minute. What's all this shit about him liking me? Rachel, keep your hopeless romantic side to yourself, please." She muttered in a joking tone, but was duly conflicted beneath her light attitude. Rachel rolled her eyes, and then Maggie felt something wet against her palm.

Yelping, she took a step back, taking her hand off Rachel's mouth and glaring at her friend. "Did you really just lick me?" She exclaimed, both girls beginning to giggle, the laughter continuous throughout the rest of the day.


For the most part, Maggie would say she was having a miserable time at this party. And when she said miserable, she meant she wanted to go home, climb into bed, pull the covers over her face, and not crawl out for the next couple of days. Rachel had tried to be a loyal friend and stick by Maggie's side, but her loyalty had been diverted by a cute new boy she'd never met before.

Sighing heavily, Maggie sat herself down on the edge of a couch, scanning the room for anyone else she might know. As she glanced at the throng of people crowding together in the living room, she caught sight of a familiar face- one she'd hoped desperately she wasn't going to see.

Look, there's Peter Parker. And he's standing there with Gwen and Harry.

And indeed he was. He was standing with a group of people, sandwiched in between Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn, in the middle of talking. Peter looked a little uncomfortable, and a bit awkward, but he was standing there socializing nonetheless. What had spurred the sudden interest in speaking to people again?

She didn't want to admit it, but Maggie knew all too well what it was. Gwen had her arm across Peter's shoulder, leaning in close to him, tittering out a laugh that was most definitely fake but of course Peter wouldn't see that, he's too infatuated with the blonde.

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