[04] awkward encounters

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WHY DID YOU SAY YES? Everything will just be awkward. Also, if you're wondering why he invited you in, it's because he sees you as a charity case. Someone who needs to be taken in and pitied. Don't think too much of it. You aren't as special as you think.

Maggie shook the thoughts from her head as she watched Peter take out a key of his own and unlock the door. He noticed her shaking her head ever so slightly and asked her if she was okay. Maggie lied for what must've been the millionth time that day and blamed it on a minor headache.

"I'm sure my aunt's got Advil, if you need any." Peter suggested as he opened the door, the guilt in Maggie rising every minute she spent with him. She politely declined as they stepped in the foyer, Peter shutting the door behind them.

"Hey, May." He greeted who must've been his aforementioned aunt, and Maggie heard a woman's voice ask him how school was today. She saw Peter shrug, set down his backpack on a table and walk into the living room, talking about how school was "okay", with a quick, shy glance at Maggie. "Hey, there's this crazy car parked outside-"

Peter stopped abruptly, staring, and Maggie hurried after him, wondering what had made the usually talkative boy halt in his tracks. When she saw what had caused it, it was enough for her to stop dead, her mouth dropping open, mirroring Peter's.

The woman who could've only been Peter's Aunt May shot Peter a look when she noticed Maggie, and then another when she gestured her head towards the one and only Tony Stark, sitting in Peter's living room with his aunt. "Mr. Parker, a pleasure." The man who called himself Iron Man stretched out his hand for Peter to shake and Peter took it, looking queasy.

"I-uh, what are you doing here? Sir?" Peter stammered out, at the same time Aunt May and Tony Stark asked "Who's this young lady?" in unison. Maggie's face turned red and she took a step back. "Just a friend. From um, school." She murmured, wanting to crawl in a hole.

This is so embarrassing, look what you got yourself into, you dumb prick. You never should've come with him.

May looked like she wanted to inquire further but the matter at hand had already turned back to Peter and the fact that Iron Man was sitting in his living room. The two chatted back and forth, May giving Peter strange looks. Tony asked Peter if they could go in his room to discuss further, and Peter happily obliged, the pair walking to what must've been Peter's room, the door shutting behind them.

May finally turned to Maggie, offering up a bright smile, not unlike the one Peter had shown her this morning. "I'm so sorry! Please, do sit down." The older woman gestured towards the now-empty spot beside her, and Maggie tried to resist, saying she would just go back home, but Aunt May was persistent.

May opened her mouth, perhaps to make small talk, and a noise sounded from the kitchen. "Oh, that's the coffee. Do you want any, Maggie?" Maggie shook her head, and May nodded, heading to the kitchen. Maggie had noticed the peculiar way Aunt May had said her name; on the very tip of her tongue, as if Maggie's name were something dangerous and Aunt May was testing it out.

He never brings girls home, not even friends. Maggie noted, wanting to laugh. She had been so scared for nothing.

You're forgetting about Gwen, one of the voices in her head cackled, and he'd bring her home if she even knew he existed.

She rolled her eyes, her phone going off in her pocket. She glanced around for a moment, wanting to make sure no one was coming back soon. Maggie heard the soft murmur of voices behind Peter's bedroom door, and Aunt May humming to herself in the kitchen. Breathing a sigh of relief at not having to look rude, being on her phone at someone else's house, she pulled out the phone from her back pocket.


hey maggie! it's alex. rachel gave me your #, hope that's okay.


hey alex. yeah, that's totally fine.


what's up?


um, at peter parker's apartment. turns out i live right across the hall from him, lol. wbu?

read at 3:05 pm

Maggie frowned. Why would Alex read it and not respond? Had she said something wrong?

Knew those friends wouldn't last for long.

As Maggie put away her phone, the door to Peter's bedroom opened, Peter trying to suppress a huge grin, Tony Stark with the smallest of smirks on his handsome face. Peter's grin faltered when he saw Maggie still sitting on the couch, her face expectant and hopeful.

"Um." Peter looked from Tony to Maggie, then to May, and back to Tony. "Sorry Maggie, but you've got to go." He told her, almost dismissively, his eyes still trained on Tony. Maggie, appalled at his sudden cold behavior, stood up abruptly, grabbing her backpack from the table in the front of the apartment.

"See you in school, Peter." She muttered, stalking out of the apartment and closing the door gently behind her.

He'd forgotten that she was even there. Everyone forgot about her. Alex wouldn't even respond to her text, and she'd opened up to Peter, yet he pushed her out the second a better opportunity came along.

Everyone forgets about you eventually. That's why I told you not to make friends.

Maggie pushed the voice out, sick and tired of them, too. How had everything gone downhill so quickly? 

a/n: yeah this was a trashy filler chapter im sorry. 


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