[03] meeting gwen stacy

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"I'LL SEE YOU GUYS LATER." Maggie smiled gently at her new friends as she picked up her book-bag. Alex opened his mouth to respond, but his words were lost by the last bell ringing. "What?" She asked loudly, but Alex shook his head, telling her to forget about it. Rachel glanced at her twin questioningly, but no further inquiries were made.

Pushing past the crowd of students, she huffed and shoved into someone. It was a blonde girl, who stared at her rudely, almost as if she were saying 'How dare you touch me'. "I-I'm sorry." Maggie said, and the girl shot her a nasty look, corners of her unnaturally pink lips upturned.

"Whatever." The girl responded, and she sauntered- literally sauntered- off like she was a model and the school hallway was her runway. Maggie watched as the rude girl met up with another blonde, who gave her friend a bright smile. "Hey, Gwen, we still on for the mall after we study?" Maggie heard the girl's friend ask, and Gwen simply nodded, gently pressing her friend onwards.

Seriously Magnolia, you can't even say you're sorry properly? I'll bet that girl was so popular, and you just ruined your chances of ever becoming anything but a lowly geek who hears her own thoughts.

The horde of high school students had lessened, making it easier for her to get through the corridor. Maggie noticed Peter right away, closing his locker and looking down the hallway. Maggie grimaced, afraid he was going to notice her, but Peter instead looked right past her, as if she weren't even there. Peter's eyes followed someone, over her shoulder, and Maggie glanced behind her. He was staring at Gwen, who was still in the hallway, clearly aware someone was watching her.

Maggie bit her lower lip, walking fast, wanting to get out of there. Told you he wouldn't like you. Of course he would like that beautiful, blonde girl, she's tall and skinny and doesn't have anything wrong with her. She's perfect, you're not. He only took pity on you, that's why he was being so nice.

The thoughts didn't stop until she got to her apartment building. Taking her key from her pocket, Maggie tucked her hair behind her ear, thinking about how she should cut it soon. Even if you cut it, you'll never look like Gwen.

Her legs ached from clambering up all those stairs, the elevator in her new building didn't even work. Nothing like this would've ever happened in Boston. She stopped, resting for a second, rubbing her forehead. Now her head and legs ached. She couldn't wait to plop down on her sofa at home and be by herself until her parents got home.

She reoriented herself but when she did, the key fell from her hand, and Maggie cursed at herself for being so clumsy. She reached down to grab the key but found another hand reaching for it, and she looked up, surprised, not realizing someone else had been on the apartment floor with her. "Sor-" Both said in unison, and Maggie yelped when she realized who it was.

"Peter?!" She said, and Peter startled, stepping back, Maggie's key in his hand. "Frick- you live in this building?" Peter exclaimed, and Maggie frowned, reaching forward and grabbing the key from his hand. He almost didn't let go, causing Maggie to pry his hand open.

"Yes. Why is that a big deal?" Maggie muttered, her palms growing sweaty and she grasped the key tighter. "I-it's not." He responded, and Maggie nodded. Yes, it is a big deal, stop lying. Now you'll never be able to get away from him.

Peter readjusted his earbud, and Maggie took a deep breath. Don't you freaking dare. Don't. You. Dare. Talk. To. Him. Maggie gestured to his earbuds. "Whatareyoulisteningto," She blurted, and Peter gave her a confused look.

"What are you listening to?" She repeated, slower this time. Peter looked surprised, but turned on his phone, showing her the screen. Left Hand Free by alt-J. Maggie's eyes opened wide.

Maggie Jean Hamilton, what did I say about talking to him?

You're not my mother. I can speak to him if I want to.

"I love that song!" Maggie told him, re-tucking her hair behind her ear. Peter's face lit up and he beamed at her. Peter didn't know why she had a sudden change of heart, but silently thanked his good taste in music. He waved his hand towards the door that must have been the door to his apartment.

"Do you want to come in? I can help you with the biology homework- uh, if you need help, that is." Peter suggested, a slight blush appearing across his cheeks. Maggie glanced at her door, and then tried to hear what her thoughts were saying. But her thoughts weren't saying anything for the first time since she'd met Peter.

She supposed this was her decision to make. Tucking the key into her pocket, she made one of the first decisions she'd made on her own in a very long time.

"Sure. That sounds great." 

a/n: why the flip is this so short and sucky im sorry i thought it was longer but oh well i guess not. 

what did you guys think?? the ship has officially begun hahah. ooH AND WHAT DID U GUYS THINK OF ME INTRODUCING GWEN STACY TO THIS STORY as y'all can probably tell i do not particularly like gwen all that much. i mean,, ok i do like her but i like mj more 

but yee. thank y'all so much for 800+ reads!! that's insane!! lots of love to everyone. x

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