[08] irrational decisions

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  I'm so sorry for not updating in two months. I've been terribly busy with school. Here's Chapter 8, I hope you all enjoy it! 

  "LET THEM GO." Peter's voice resounded throughout the empty warehouse, and Maggie squeezed her eyes shut. Alex's eyes were still wide open, wondering what the hell was going on here. He wasn't supposed to be a part of this.

  And then, because they chose the most inconvenient times to say hello to Maggie, her thoughts returned, worse than ever. You're going to die here in this warehouse, and no one will know what happened to you. No one will miss you, because you're just a stupid little bitch that everyone only pretends to care about. He'll kill you, and Peter will be glad, because he'll get to stop pretending to like you out of pity. You poor, friendless bitch.

  Maggie trembled with rage, but the man holding her against him took it as fear and threw his head back, laughing, all the while keeping his two weapons trained on both Maggie and Alex.

  "Please leave Alex out of this, sir. He has nothing to do with any of this- I promise." She begged the man, and Peter groaned, looking at Maggie in exasperation. See. You're just messing it all up. Maybe you should shut your damn mouth and let the man kill you already.

  "What do you want?" Peter asked the man, taking a step forward. The man yanked Maggie even closer, scaring her. Alex's eyes shifted between the man and the entrance to the warehouse, wondering if he could make a hasty escape. Maggie had been watching him ponder the possibilities, and she tried to signal him not to do it, widening her eyes at him and shaking her head ever so slightly. 

  "I'll tell you what I want-" But before the villain could get his demands across, Alex bolted, sprinting towards the door, his hands covering his head in case the man tried to shoot. And shoot he did, because Alex hadn't even reached halfway before a gunshot rang out, and Alex fell to the floor with a thud. 

  Maggie screamed, breaking away from the man and falling to her knees. "No!" She shrieked, making her way to her fallen friend, but she hear the click of the gun as the man trained it on her. "Take another step, girlie, and it'll be the end of both you and Spider-Man." 

  Sobs wracked Maggie's body as she stared at Alex's limp figure, praying profusely and hoping him not to be dead. She choked on her tears, gasping for air as she buried her head in her hands, unable to look at her friend any longer.

   Her crying didn't stop as the villain, the evil man who'd shot her friend, continued to speak to Peter as if nothing had happened. Merely a bump in the road, right? Wrong.

  "Jealous, Spidey? Looks like your girlfriend here might've had some feelings for this kid." 

  "We were just friends," Maggie choked out, turning and glaring at the man. She caught Peter staring at her, his eyes curious and his mouth down-turned in a frown. "Peter, please. You know that." 

  But Peter wasn't so sure he did.

  While the villain had his back turned on Peter, watching Maggie with some sort of voyeuristic, sadistic pleasure at her sadness, Peter took his chance and slung his webs at the older man, entangling the man in the sticky substance and swinging him across the warehouse, slamming him into the wall.

  The man lay there, not moving, and Peter slammed him into the wall again for good measure. And again, and again, and again, because he was so mad and needed to break something and this man had hurt Maggie and Maggie had hurt Peter.

  "Peter!" Maggie shouted, scrambling to her feet and running to the boy. She grabbed his arm and shook him, telling him over and over again to stop because he was going to kill the man.

  "Why shouldn't I? He killed Alex." 

  Maggie couldn't think of any rational way to make Peter stop, so she did the first thing that popped into her mind, that was definitely not rational:

  She grabbed Peter's face in her hands and kissed him on the mouth. 

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