Chapter 1-Moving

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"BUT MOOOOMMM!!! I don't want to move!! I like it here!!"

I'm Lizzie, my mom is making me move  to a new country but I really like it here and I don't want to go. I live in the UK, my mom wants to move to Calgary.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry but I found this amazing house, and you know I've always wanted to go to Calgary!"
"Uggghhhh, finnnnee, I'll go" I sigh.
"Great! Start packing up your stuff 'cause our flight takes off in 3 hours, start getting dressed and brush your teeth and hair too."
"Okay, I will." I sigh once more.

So, here we are, in Calgary. Now that we've moved, put all of our stuff away, got settled in... I actually like it here! My mom found a 3 story house and it's amazing! There's a game room, a girls only room (for me and my mom) and a boys only room (for my brother) Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about my brother! My brother is 9, I'm 13, he's annoying, an idiot, I hate him a lot but, he still is my brother and I love him in a way!

"So, mom." I start. "Yes honey?" She answers. "Do I NEED to go back to school since we moved?!" I ask hoping for a no. "Don't be silly, of course you do!! You're starting on Monday." "BUT THATS TOMORROW!!! AND I HATE MONDAYS!!!" I yell back. "First of all, everybody hates Mondays. Second, if I had a choice to not go to work, I wouldn't. But sadly, if I want money to keep our house, our car, buy stuff... I kinda have to work."

My mom does have a point. But, that still doesn't change my mind about school. So, Monday comes, I actually kinda like the look of the school! It looks pretty cool!

"Are you exited to make new friends?" My mom asks. "Not really." I answer back with an attitude. "Why?" She questions worried. "Just 'cause I miss my old friends I guess..." I answer back shrugging my shoulders. "I know sweetie, but you can still face time and text them!" She says trying to boost my mood. "I guess..." I agree.

So I get into the building, it looks almost new, no rust on the lockers nor the desks, floors are clean, I feel quite safe here. I see this girl, she's pretty.

"Um... hi... My name is L-Lizzie (Elizabeth), what's y-yours?" I say in a quiet shivering voice. "Hi! My name is Ashlynn! Nice to meet you Lizzie! :)"
*Wow she seems happy to meet me, maybe we'll be good friends* I think to myself.

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