Chapter 4-The Sleepover

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I'm so excited, it's Friday morning and tonight Ashlynn is coming over!! I pack my school bag, lunch bag, gym bag, science duotang, locker decorations. "Ready!!" I yell down to my mom. I race down the stairs after I see the time. 8:05 AM. School starts at 8:08, I have to hurry. I rush outside, there's my mom, waiting for me in the car. I get there at 8:11. Great. I'm late.

It didn't really matter that I was late anyways because my science teacher is really nice and she wouldn't give out detention for only that much late. Again, the day just flew by, it was 1:50 before I knew it. School finishes at 2:40, 50 minutes of torture left until I get to go home. I'm so excited because my mom is picking me AND Ashlynn up!!

It's math time, I'm actually pretty decent at math, judging by the other people in my class. Me and Ashlynn are about the same in math, we sit together so if one of us can't figure something out, we help each other. We sit together  in almost every class, except tech, and music. (We don't play the same instrument).

Last period comes, of course no one can focus. It's Friday, before a long weekend. Last period is health. We're starting Sex-Ed soon and I am NOT excited for it. Some people already started it and are always talking about it and I hate it. It's especially worse when your in grade 8, like me. You get to learn about-You know what, I'll just let you see for yourself.

The bell rings. Everyone runs for their lockers, the teacher tells them to stay in their seat, no one listens. Everyone was out of the door in no time. I get out the door, with Ashlynn walking to my car. "I'm so excited for tonight, we're gonna have so much fun!! :D" I say really happily. "YESS, I almost forgot about our sleepover!! Lol!!" She answers back laughing.

So we go in the car my mom blasts the radio and we start carpooling, we were singing all the words to the songs, we know all the words to the same songs, I used to be so bad with song names and lyrics, now I'm pretty good, so is Ashlynn. I love Ashlynn, she's so beautiful, nice, friendly, loyal. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

We get home and our trees were tped... (Toilet papered) "What the hell?!" My mom says. "I dunno, atleast it's not THAT bad." I say trying to keep her in a good mood. "That is true;" she replies sounding like she's about to add on to it.

We get inside, I put my lunch bag away for the weekend, my book bag, gym bag, and get out my phone.

"You're lucky." Ashlynn mentions out of the blue. "Why?" I answer back. I'm not really that lucky, I don't consider myself a lucky person, she literally just saw my house tped, does she call that lucky? "Because, your mom lets you stay up late, she lets you get a phone-" "Wait you don't have a phone?; and what time does your mom make you go to sleep at?" I interrupt. "No, she says I'm too young for a phone, and 9:00." "9:00 isn't THAT bad, wait do you mean every night?" I question concerned.

The night went on, we kept hearing and seeing weird things, we just ignored it.


"What was that??!!" I looked at Ashlynn scared.

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