Chapter 10-Mystery

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I wake up to water being poured on my face... It was my mom, I checked the time and it was 9:30 am. "Why are you waking me up this early with water??? What's going on?" I said while wiping the water off my face with a towel my mom passed me. "Oh, you have a dentist appointment, and you wouldn't wake up so i tried everything and you still wouldn't, so i decided to pour water on you. :)" My mom replied. "Oh... okay then." i said back still confused and tired.

The dentist appointment went well, no cavities. But you probably don't care so i'll just move on with the story.

Later that day, i decided to go into the "Girls room". You know, that room i was talking about earlier? It was so cool. There were bean bag chairs, yoga balls, books, there was even a slide leading to a ball pit! My mom was in there, sitting on a chair reading a book. I had to ask her about my ancestors for this history project that was due tomorrow, bleh. I did a lot of research and stuff, and actually managed to finish it before tomorrow!

The next few days weren't that interesting until Thursday. I'll tell you what i mean. My mom drops me off at school, and as i'm walking to the door i trip on a random stack of papers. I fell right on my knees. The reason i didn't see them there was because i was looking up at the clouds cause they looked cool. Anyways, i check my knees and surprisingly they weren't bruised or cut. As i was about to walk into the door, i thought i might as well go and see what were those papers doing there or what was on them. I look at the papers and it was just a random stack of people's math tests. Weird... So i brought them to the office and before i could say anything the principal yelled "IT WAS HER, SHE DID IT!!" Then this guy named Joey walked out of this room in the office.

I have had the biggest crush on him since 5th grade, he's so hot and nice and i love him. ;) Anyways so basically what happened was there was this kid named Ideral (i know, what kind of name is that?) who apparently snuck into the math lab at night and stole everyone's tests, and ran away from school and home. But don't worry, i told them it wasn't me and where i found them and why i was at the office.

"He must've dropped a pile when he ran away." I added on to the conversation.

But then all of a sudden my mom walks in and screams "LIZZIE, COME WITH ME NOW!!" Without saying a thing, i follow my mom as she leads me to the movie theatre, which is just a few buildings down the road from the school. Why would she bring me here..?

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