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The parking spot is mostly empty except for a few cars. I think they're the teacher's.
The school is huge. We can get lost quite quickly. It's a big school and not many students outside. I look over to Kim who looks totally relaxed.  She opens the car door and climbs out just as I stop the engine. I do the same and we walk slowly to the school building.

"Because you're studying music you have classroom down in the basement. You are now 10 students in the class. I sadly don't know much more about your class, but I will fetch you your teacher. Then he can show you around." A lady ,who is the typist in the school, say.

We sit down in a room further away from the office we were in. Five minutes later a tall, dark man with mid long hair walks in. He was surprisingly attractive. Kim thinks so too because when I look at her she winks.

"Hey! My name is Lowell Marcy. You are the new students?" He asks with a British accent. Young and a beautiful accent. I like him already.

"Yes we are." Kim answers cheery. 

"Great. I'm your teacher and it's a joy having you here. Finally there's females in the class." He smiles.

He waves for us to follow him as he walks out of the room. We hurry after him as we walk past the hall we walked when we went to the office.

"Yes, you're ten students. We are placed in the basement. All the others are guys. We are pairing up bands which are working together for re rest of the year. It's not so much theory in this class, but much explaining . I'm the teacher most of the time, but sometimes a lady called Liz Hemmings will step in for me. You have to raise your hand if you want to talk when we are explaining things and stuff. You have to stay at your spots. We have a few books but not a lot. Yes, that was what you need to know." He finishes. Yes. The same old rules. Kim is more focused on the stuff we pass and what that happens around us. She doesn't pay attention to what he's saying.

"Do you have any questions?" Our teacher continues.

Kim finally pays attention and asks."how many instruments do you have here?"

"I see that you miss.. What was your last name again?" He asks.

"Clifford." He answers quickly. She changed her last name because she was unhappy with the original.

"Miss Clifford. I see that you are more interested in the instruments, but that is not what we learn the most. You're going to learn about the music culture, the industry and how music affects different societies." She just nods but she doesn't think about what he said. It's too boring for her. "Are you related to Michael Clifford?" He continues.

"Yes. He's my brother. Why?"

"No, it was just the last name. Well. We have arrived to our classroom." He tells us. We went through two halls, then outside, down the stairs. Then you are standing in a hallway that's very small with just one door that says 'MUSIC ROOM'

"This is where you meet up in the morning. The door is usually open. I think people has arrived already." He opens the door and the first this we hear is a load bang.

"Ashton! Calm down. Don't scare away our new students." The teacher shouts to Ashton.

"Tessa! And Kim." He shouts. I wave to him , afterwards to the boys standing around the guitars.

"Michael, you never told us you had a sister." The teacher says who has now left us and is standing next to the guys. He actually fits perfectly. They are all at the same hight and their styles aren't that different either.

"He didn't tell us either Lowell." Calum says.

"Well you never asked." Michael answers.

I see that Kim puts away her bag so I put away mine too. We walk around the room and observe the instruments. It's like super expensive guitar and many speakers. Bass and drums do they also have. It looks like there's just one drum kit. Maybe they have another they just don't use them.

The teacher, or Lowell, walk over to us again. "Is it okay that you are alone as a band or like a duet?" He asks.

I look over to Kim and nod. "Yes, that should not be a problem. But how are we going to play? I mean. We play lots of stuff but guitar and drums the most. It's a little bit boring just playing those." Kim explains. 

"Yeah, that's why you can play different instruments. You don't have to play the same on every song. Like this band-" he points to the guys "they play most guitar, bass and drums. But sometimes Michael moves over to the piano, which is just as cool." He continues.

"Kim can never beat us." Michael challenges. He should have never said that. Kim can say things she don't mean and just get lost.

"Want to bet?" Kim fires back.


"Deal." Kim grins. No! Now she's done it. We can never beat these guys. They will get huge.

"Wow. A duel already? Well this competition is unfair. They're two and you're four." The teacher says.

"We don't need anyone else." Kim laughs. Ok, she has to calm down. She's way to cocky.

"Kim maybe you should think twice." I warn.

"Come on. We can do this." She grins. I shake my head several times and she eagerly nods. After a while I give up. We will have to humiliate ourselves.



I'm tired

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