Chapter Nine

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Murr's Point Of View:

I awoke early in the morning, I sat up looking over at the window and seeing the dark blue sky start turning a little lighter. Q slept beside me because I didn't want to be alone last night.

Its been about 2 weeks since he told me about how we couldn't afford the cruise and I still break all over again each day. I was so excited to meet my love, and be able to give her a long loving hug then tell her how much I love the show; if she hasn't figured it out from all the tweets I send.

I know we don't have money we can just pull out of our wallets, but we have been waiting 2 and a half years for this and we find out its too much.

We haven't had our sale yet because all of our working schedules have been busy. I go to work at 7 a.m to drive taxi's around until 3 pm and go to the school to clean up. But I don't mind, its just boring. Doing the same thing everyday. On a good part of driving taxis though, I get a lot of tips and I save them for whenever we can meet the girls to add to our budget if we still need some extra money.

I gotta say, I'm beyond jealous of Sal. He's starting to make so much money but he deserves it. I wish we all made that much so we could go on the cruise, but it is what it is. Our time will come someday, I hope.

"Murray, are you okay?" Q asks in his tired groggy voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply and lay my head on my pillow.

"What's on your mind, buddy?"

"Our girls. I'm just thinking of hopefully meeting them."

I let out a sigh while Q positioned himself on his back, he folds his hands together.

"We will. I just don't know when. I don't want to say like in a month or something because I don't want to get our hopes up; just like the cruise. I really was working hard for us all and trying to get enough to go. I wish I had an answer for when we will get to meet them, but sadly I don't. I'm sorry Murr, I really tried."

"Don't be sorry. Its nobody's fault. We all did what we could, dont blame yourself for this. We still have the future. Fortunately, I know they will be around for a long time. Because only I would find out through so much information that they signed for five seasons, so far, and its only been nearly 3. Easily 2 more years and I'm sure they will sign for more."

Q laughed and patted my arm. "I'm glad that you always think positive. It makes me happy." He yawns.

"Sorry I woke you, go back to sleep."

"Mmm." He mumbles and turns over. "Night."

"Morning." I joke, the clock said 5:31 am.

"Shut up or I'll throw this pillow at you."

"I like how you were being super nice to me two seconds ago and now you're just plain mean." I pout earning a chuckle in reply from him.

I slid out of bed after hearing Q snore again, and grab some clean clothes then head to the shower.

Time for a slow day at work.

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